Minecraft: Swiggle Reason: A.Scamming and B.Harrasing Counter-Reason:He stold my horse and tricked me into thinking he was taking me to my horse but instead he took me into pvp and killed me and on his profile there are complaints of him scamming a lot. Evidence:http://zaynkhan.wix.com/zjkhans-minecraft#!ban-appeal/c1khx P.S also get my stuff from him and a black horse with faded white spots those are mine plse.
I support this. He has no respect for anyone, insulting me sevral times for offering him an apartment. Seen enough of him doing this. +Support
Once again, do not post on any ban appeals or complaints unless you have relevant information to the case, the staff team is capable of making the decision on their own.
zjkhan, thank you for submitting a complaint against this user but we do not act upon the stealing of horses. However, killing someone in a PvP zone without their knowledge of being in one is. Do you have any screenshots of this? zjkhan Given 24 hours to provide evidence.
24 Hours have passed and no further evidence of harassment has been provided. As for horse theft, it is not illegal. In the event you find more screenshots of Swiggle harassing you, I would request you make a new complaint and attach the newly found evidence there. Revanrose6 Complaint Dismissed - Insufficient Evidence