Minecraft Name: seba1342 Suggestion: With the mining world being absoultely demolished every month, it is no surprise that the server has a heap of people. But why should the supporters suffer the tolls of rest of the population? Why not create a mining world for supporters? Yet another perk of helping out the server which brings so much to everyone. If this were to be implemented, the toll on the original mining world would decrease and the supporters would be benefited once again. Reason: The mining world, as you know, is destroyed after each month, to give a little extra to those who support why not create a separate mining world.
I see no point in having two mining worlds. It would take up more room on the disk that is not needed. The current mining world still has un-touched areas of land, so there is no need for another one. Just my opinion.
There are many reasons why we don't do this. This has been thought of before, but was never implanted. 1.) More stress/lag 2.) THIS IS WHAT THE AEHTER IS FOR. GO BUILDING PRETTY BUILDINGS THERE IF YOU DON'T WANT THEM GRIEFED. -1
I don't think that this is nessisary. There is plenty of ore in the mining world. Creating a second would introduce more ore, and soften prices. Supporters (is one) should have no trouble finding ore in the mining world.