Minecraft Name: bandgeek12345 Suggestion: fix butcher to not kill armor stands Reason: armor stands are great for decoration, nearly endless possibilities with a little imagination. Any Other Information: i do not believe armor stand would be an issue for the server due to the heavy decline of mob farming. the number of loaded entities is at an all time low. allowing for a few armor stands here or there.. obviously excessive amounts of armor stands would not be good, but everything just has to be taken in moderation.
This isn't something we can fix on our side. I believe the way armour stands are handled is that they are entities, which get butchered. So we just have to wait on Mojang.
I believe that butcher is a plugin used on ECC. if it was on microsofts side, single player worlds would have armor stand despawning issues, but they do not.
Butcher is infact ECC side. However, the command effects all entities and there is no way to change that
butcher probably runs the /killall command. this could be fixed by changing the command to a series of commands that include the /kill @e commands.. all it would take is writing out the commands to include all entities excluding armor stands.
Not entirely, it is more likely to be a custom WG/WE Entity clearing command. Also, the issue is that armor stands are entities in accordance to Mojang, so therefore they are included in butcher regardless.
Not at all. You cannot change how an entity is filtered other than the one specification of it being a dropped item or not.