
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by blgordonz, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. blgordonz

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ Moderator ECC Benefactor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Thread Title:
    Stickers and more
    Minecraft Name:
    Several things all listed below with reasons:
    1) A reward for completing the tutorial, attainable once. I keep seeing new builders ask basic questions in chat that are answered in the tutorial. If they had more incentive to go there they would perhaps ask fewer questions and have a better understanding of ecc...thus making them stick around longer.

    2) Referrals. I invite my friend to play ecc, and when they become a resident I get something. Something small maybe 5k, when they become mayor I get 10k or whatever. Maybe it's netherstars? The point being we should be driving more people to talk about ecocity. All of my friends who play MC play Eco when they do play. I know there has to be other people not sharing the server as much, perhaps this would be the little push that they need.
    3) Bumper sticker...Yes a bumper sticker. This is so chessey I like the idea! I have never put a bumper sticker on any car that I own, but I would be more than happy to put the EcoCity bumper sticker on all of my cars, even my trucks! I would gladly pay for this also. This would be low impact marketing for ECC.
    4) A list of servers to vote at, even if we don't get prizes. I think that most of us would love to see a huge increase in builders for obvious reasons, therefore most of us are willing to vote on 3-4 extra sites each day if it helps.
    5) I would love to see some type of investment plugin, I'm not sure if any exist. A user could perhaps start up a company that is driven by non player interaction. Maybe a banking interest system. Two years ago I made good money by hiring builders and lots of builders! This is harder today, something to combat this would be nice. Perhaps some sort of stock market? I just want something that I can invest my money in that is not dependent upon needing a large number of builders. What might be easier would be a fluctuating economy, this could be done with a simple command to change the price of one object. Today dirt is .05, wake up tomorrow and it's worth .10! it's back at .05 the next day but stone is worth .15. This would fuel people buying up blocks and items in anticipation that the server might pay more for a particular object at a later time.
    6) A welcome back mayor team or support. When I left and came back I lost everything I had in my inventory and all my money. I had close to 1 mil when I left two years ago, it was very upsetting to see /bal as $0.00 and to have lost my set homes. I thought my town had disappeared. It would be nice to see some kind of support and help for those who decided to return to ECC.
    1) incentive for builders to do tutorial.
    2) Incentive for players to spread the word...ECC
    3) Get noticed, and some kid somewhere will find us. IF not you still make money off me buying them.
    4) Spread the word some more.
    5) Gives established seasoned players something to do with there money.

    6) To welcome back those who took extended breaks.
    Other Information:
    I would be interested in supporting the production of a business plugin if it's seen as feasible for use in ECC.
    Link to this plugin:
  2. Lee1104

    Lee1104 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Your reward is knowledge. Don't read the tutorial? Then good luck figuring out the server.
    2. You share the server with friends for money? Why not just share it so you have a real life friend playing too.
    3. You go do that. Take a picture of it while you are at it.
    4. I really doubt people would vote on extra sites without a reward, whether it be a netherstar or a vote counted to monthly raffles.
    5. Most reasonable suggestion so far, but don't see it happening.
    6. Don't want to lose your stuff? Don't quit. Log on every 13 days or put everything in a chest. Log on to the forums ONCE every SIX MONTHS to prevent losing your town.