The reasons why I feel ECC should have its own server operated casino are, 1. It would give players another reason to stay on ECC. 2. It would provide an alternative to ECC's current lottery. 3. It would attract new players to ECC (a new feature might also attract players who have become bored of ECC) 4. A server operated casino would also benefit players. (i.e when players win money from a casino they would likely purchase goods and services, therefore benefiting players and the economy)
-1 I don't think id like it. And it would have to be user run i think. This post was posted by the fabulous slayer_boy_2000. Feel honoured that this was posted! X D p.s This is a signature
here even tho its outdated a little it works perfect and DONT say it causes lag because it doesn't ive tested it we should have a casino in spawn with slot machines.
casinos shouldn't exist on a family server. teenagers and pre-teens play on here. There's a reason they can't gamble irl, and that reason applies to in-game as well.
Yes guys, remember, gambling is the fourth sin. We can't do that so instead we chose the family friendly option; lottery!