Minecraft Name: emongolab Suggestion: To prevent the making of any efficiency "5" axes. The only way to obtain an efficiency "5" axe would be to purchase it through the nether star shop located at spawn. Reason: Now that the melon prices have dropped, using a pumpkin axe, which is listed to be an efficiency "5" axe, makes close to the same amount of money as a melon sword which happens to costs the same price as the pumpkin axe at the nether star shop. I believe if the ability of crafting efficiency "5" axes is removed, it would balance the value of both the melon swords and the pumpkin axes. This being said, more people would be encouraged to vote to obtain either one of these so called money makers. Although current players are complaining about the current price of melons, being $1.75, it is a hardcore economy server, meaning it should't be easy to make money. I believe if this change is made, it would even out the prices between pumpkin axes and melon swords. Any Other Information: Although there already are a good amount of pumpkin axes already created, I believe if this change is made, that number will slowly decay. Link To This Plugin: N/A
I do not think this is a good idea. First, Pumpkins are already valued at the level at which it is optimal. This change would effectively remove a decent income stream for lower end players, Making it so that the only people with a decent income are the ones already with an income. Lets examine the effects of this change: 1: Severe Reduction of income to ANYONE without a melon sword Impact: More people begging/scamming melon swords, Less disposable income for everyone WITHOUT a melon sword. 2: Severe Reduction in demand for Exp Impact: less income from spawners, less income for spawnshop owners 3:To compensate, pumpkins would need to be raised in price to offset the lowered amount of people with a decent income Impact:WAAAY too complicated, good luck convincing andrew to change prices that dramatically 4:Lowered demand for large farms Impact: no need for fly donation, because all the people with pumpkin axes can harvest from one farm, farmbuilder's income reduces. All in all this idea is a terrible idea for ECC. I do not think that policy decisions regarding farm tool pricing should be reduced to the tit-for-tat that this suggestion entails. I own a melon sword, and i use it very much. However, i do not think we should suggest a widespread (what i see as a punishment) to ECC as a whole. I see the larger impacts. I am going to have to respectfully -1 this suggestion
Solstice there are other means of income for nonwealthy players. There are many other farming options. The server is called a hard core economy server, not an easy economy server. I also do not see a huge impact on Exp. Limiting the making of one item will not destroy the Exp market. The idea is to make pumpkin axes worth the same as melon swords, since they cost the same amount at the nether star store. This change would go along perfectly with the recent price drop on melons. The two items are capable of making the same about of money in the same time period and therefore should be similarly priced. No crops should change price at all and there should not be any increase in begging and such, people will always beg unless andrew starts throwing money at builders. On a final note, this may also bring back the fishing and mining sectors as new builders look for a way to make money. +1 since I did give emongolab the idea and he just wrote the suggestion
There are already hundreds of "pumpkin axes" in circulation, what do you think will happen when you drastically increase their worth?
After looking at what like had to say, I mist agree. Players will just boost up the prices of axes and become rich off of it.
With so many in circulation already the price wouldnt rise drastically immediately, it would gradually increase as they become harder to find theoretically, they are still common
Umm, eff5 is actually a possible (though rare) enchantment, sooo... Plus anvil combining 2 books off eff4 makes eff5 book. Not impossible!!
What is being suggested is that the effort. 5 book or the second effort.4 book isn't able to be added to the axe. Just like how eff.4 /off 5 books aren't able to be put onto a sword (making a melon sword a immposable item to make.
Exactly what cdlawrence said, with some many axes already made, the price wouldn't increase at a dramatic rate, it would gradually increase as they become harder and harder to obtain.