[ b ] M i n e c r a f t N a m e [ / b ] : scratch908 [ b ] S u g g e s t i o n [ / b ] : i suggest, that when a user necroes a thread the get a one or two explanation on what necroing is, OR put it into the rules because really mods have NO right to enforce something that a new user couldnt have read in the rules [ b ] R e a s o n [ / b ] : well if a user doesnt know what necroing is, because it isn't explained in the rules, then they can't stop doing it as they don't know what they are doing wrong. Also the other option was because if someone simply toke the minute and a half it would take to add to the rules, i am sure less people might necro and staff could maybe hand out punishments for a few those ones that do it just to, well, troll. [ b ] A n y O t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n [ / b ] : nope [ b ] L i n k T o T h i s P l u g i n [ / b ] : N/A
@nicit6 aw man i feel like an idiot! I still think staff should explain what a necro is when someone necroes something.
We could link the forum rules or quote the rule I did, but at the moment that's basically left to the staff member locking the thread (as pointed out, common practice at the moment is not to)