Minecraft Name: Loganeric Suggestion: Move "Ban Appeals/Complaints" the section, under "Requests / Reports / Contracts" Reason: It would make a lot more since. Any Other Information: Nope! Link To This Plugin: N/A
There is too much in these two sections combined. It would be too hard to find specific posts, and for the staff team to do all of the Requests in a short time period.
-1 It would make more sense however, I think it's fine where it is. It's frequently trafficed anyways.
The suggestion isn't to combine forums, but to move the Appeal/Complaints forum under the "Requests / Reports / Contracts" section of the forums.
It was a typo. Don't be a troll. I think that making a subcategory for Appeals and complaints would just make things less convenient, not more. -1
Thank you for clearing that up. I guess I didn't know how to word that correctly. That is my suggestion, and it would make a lot more since.
It would be logical but I'm so use to it being below suggestions, I personally would need a few weeks to cope with the change... Agreed non the less +1