Minecraft Name: XIIINightmares Suggestion: A new feature that Mayors/Presidents should be able to request for their towns is the removal/addition of natural features. Examples of this is a town owner requesting to add a mountain onto their town or bringing their entire town to a certain block level. Reason: This would help speed up town construction so that Mayors/Presidents can focus on their towns' infrastructure. Other Information: This feature would be used for natural features only. Asking for resources to be placed all over the place would NOT be acceptable. The areas that are to be edited should also be marked out. Link to this plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/
These kinds of things used to be offered, however were removed. There are 2 main issues: 1) These could only be handled by the Server Owner, and she's already super busy. 2) They cause tons of lag when processed.
If there are fewer players like there are during 3:00am to 7:00am CST USA, that would be the prime time to use it. Less people on = less complaints of lag.