Minecraft Name: Jacob43365 Suggestion: Adding a town flag that owners could file an application for to turn off downfall in a town (rain/snow.) Reason: This would be great because snow is annoying and a pain to clean up and rain can get loud and annoying also. Other Information: none Link to this plugin: It could probably be coded pretty easily with the other town flags
I am not sureif it is possible to turn off the weather for a specific area, as there is usually rain everywhere when rain starts. @JamieSinn could perhaps confirm?
http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Regions/Flags That link describes all of the WorldGuard region flags that can be applied. The only one that is stated there is the lightning flag, which explains that weather can be disabled via the config, which is explained in the link below: http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Configuration/Bukkit As for the acual flag, @JamieSinn would know more about it than I as to how is works in cohesion with the other plugins, but I think this might be able to be done through an edit to the config file of WorldGuard.
Wait...an app to stop weather effects? I thought they were disabled on ECC, so shouldn't this be an app to ENABLE it?
I don't know if it is disabled or not but all I know is that I got a plot today in a town that has snow all over it. It is a very old legacy town so maybe it was before weather got disabled?
It might be possible, Not sure, as weather is a worldwide event. I might be able to copy something like the weather biome events for the desert, which does not allow rain.
Weather is currently disabled on ecc, though we usually have it turned on for a few days to snow for Christmas.