[Suggestion] Staff Selection

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by chargers2417, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. chargers2417

    chargers2417 Builder
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    Mar 25, 2012
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    Minecraft Name: chargers2417

    Suggestion: Make it so staff that have resigned must wait a certain amount of time before then can reapply and staff that got demoted not be able to reapply.

    Reason: I have seen it so many times where staff resign due to not being able to spend enough time on server or not just having enough time in general but when staff apps open, even if only a week later, they apply. When someone resigns and they reapply it is very likely that will get staff again. I just think we need some new faces, see what others have to show to the server. There are a lot of great people out there who aren't staff because only x amount can be chosen and most are ex-staff, when they apply. So my suggestion, make it so mods who have resigned cannot apply the next round, but after that they can apply freely. It would give new players a chance to make the community and maybe be even better moderators themselves. Moving on to getting demoted from staff. I believe if you are demoted you cannot apply for staff again, simple. You may ask "Well what about second chances, everyone deserves one." Well you may be right, but if you see a staff member, whether it be at McDonalds or the Polic Force, break a rule, they do not get to rejoin. This person obviously didn't understand the power and influence they had on others. They broke a rule, even when they had one of the highest ranks possible. It just shows that this person thinks they are above everyone and can get away with it. This is not what staff should be like.

    Any Other Information: Nope

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    Please don't say also this is me raging because I didn't get staff. Yes, I may be a little sad, but I shrug it off and just honestly want what is best for the community. Also I am not saying andrew is doing a bad job with staff and such, ECC is great place to chat with friends and have fun. Wouldn't be like that without staff. I just feel new people could add new perspectives, new people to look up to, etc.
    #1 chargers2417, Jun 20, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2013
  2. RealRunakilli

    RealRunakilli Call me dad
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    May 23, 2012
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  3. Harryhaz1

    Harryhaz1 RIP Lava sponge.
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    *points at the number of past staff members who have been trying to apply for staff again but don't get picked*

    I don't really think that this is too much of a problem, if they were great staff members, they'll be picked again, if not they won't.
  4. JokerBoss99

    JokerBoss99 Builder
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    Dec 25, 2012
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  5. chargers2417

    chargers2417 Builder
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    Mar 25, 2012
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    Just take this round that was picked about 20 minutes ago for example. 8 new staff were picked, only 2 were new. I am not denying they are good mods, I'm just asking that new faces be shown and it's not as easy for ex-staff to reapply again.
  6. sick24

    sick24 Tycoon by day, best doctor by night
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    Dec 9, 2012
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    Well I do believe that I had read something where andrew explicitly stated that if you get de-moddd or resign you will not be reinstated in the too near future. However, I do agree with you that if you get de-modded for breaking a rule then you would have to prove that you have learned your lesson in order to re-join staff.

    Basically, there are already measures in place to ensure the quality of mods/ex-mods and everyone andrew hand picks is fit for the job!
  7. RyanJF1

    RyanJF1 Builder
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    Jul 1, 2012
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    Sorry, I do not agree with this.

    There are plenty of fantastic staff members who have been demoted or resigned. I take demotions very seriously. You should only be allowed back on the staff team if you are able to prove yourself. I don't like holding something against someone for a long period of time when they have obviously changed. For example, Johnny is a moderator and he decides to do bad things then gets demoted. He changes completely and now is the nicest player on the server. After 4 months, he decides to reapply for staff. Why should the past be held against him when it happened 4 months ago?

    Resignations are somewhat the same. If you can prove that you are fit for staff, why not join staff?

    The "variety" of the staff team doesn't matter. Not exactly. If the staff team consists of content staff members that know what to do, then nothing is wrong and it should not change. If you want to "stand out", which I assume you do, help other players. That's the biggest thing. If you go out of your way to help another user when you are not obligated to, it shows how good of a person you are. Helping is different from mini-modding. Don't tell people not to spam or to make sure that they are using appropriate language. Leave that to the staff team as we have tools to deal with unruly players.
  8. CordialBacon

    CordialBacon Builder
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    Jun 14, 2011
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    I have to agree and I have to disagree. Some of the points in here I like while as others I don't like / don't nesscarily care about. There is one thing specifcally I hate though that SHOULD be changed imo. So staff applications open, Yay! Goodie joy! Week after, an old staff member joins back after a couple - few month hiatius and reapplys for staff immediatly only a few days after becoming "active" again. Guess what? They get staff. It doesn't seem right imo, you only JUST got back active a few days ago, how can we trust you'll stay active? There should be a limit as to how long you have to be active before applying. Like, at least a couple weeks. *sigh* I suppose andrew can really do whatever he wants, I have no say in how he pick his staff.

    Also, just making them wait a round to apply does mostly nothing, they're still gonna apply the next round, it's only delaying it.
    #8 CordialBacon, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  9. roborule

    roborule Builder
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    Apr 7, 2013
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    I don't understand what is wrong with Ex-Staff, I understand we should see what everyone can bring to the server however think of it this way. Every new staff member is a risk, a risk andrew takes. Andrew is giving that staff member power to do many things to users, such as mute, kick, and ban. Why take this risk if andrew knows he has perfectly good staff members who were simply not able to be online and resigned. If andrew knows that staff member has changed and is ready to be active again, it is way less of a risk to promote a Ex-Staff then to promote a new Staff member who needs to trained, and could go rouge. We have plenty of great staff both Ex-Staff and a few new ones. Why do we need more new ones?
  10. rosypolly

    rosypolly Builder
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    Feb 17, 2012
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    Well I can’t help but feel this is somewhat about me. Seeing as I am one of the ex-mods who just got mod again.

    I understand the frustration. I really do. It is because of this reason I didn’t apply last selection cycle. My rl life probably would have allowed it, but it was way too soon after I resigned. And if you could go back and look at the ex-staff members applications this round. I think you will find we put this reason as why we won’t get picked. I know I did. New blood is important for every staff team so we don’t feel like the select group that governs the server. New people is a reminder we are not who has to be on staff. They also bring the very important contribution of new ideas and new views. More people give us more ways we can better help the server. What I’m getting at is staff understands the value of not just picking old staff members, and you will find a lot of ex-staff have been turned down in the past for new people. But you also have to look at this from an administration point of view. Every ex-mod who comes back is one less new person to take a chance on. One more person who can start on their feet and not need much training. One more person who knows what needs to be done and when. Also you have to look at it from a personal level. I for example enjoyed helping the server via being on staff. I didn’t want to leave, but needed to. I would have hated to be disallowed from attempting to re-join because I needed to take a long break to handle my frankly much more important rl things.

    In short. I’m sorry this happened, and I feel bad that I took the spot a new member could of had on staff, but please realize no one doesn’t know the value of adding new guys.
  11. Jetscat

    Jetscat Builder
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    Oct 8, 2011
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    As do I disagree with this Suggestion.

    You're only directing this thread towards Moderators who Resigned not Demoted. This suggestion would be more plausible if you suggested the latter. We're humans too, we have lives, we have to take breaks just like the Users do. There's times when our real life lives overwhelm our In-game dwelling, and we need a break. Yes, we allow breaks of course, but some Staff members feel like its an obligation to not take breaks. So if they do decide they need one, they just resign. In specific, not trying to center you out Chargers, but below is a case of the time you needed a Break, we're just like you, just we have an obligation to be active, or leave the Staff team. But what if you returned after you're absence, and lost all you're Stuff that you love... Wouldn't you want it back?

    We don't simply let a previous Staff member onto our Team, we look thoroughly into their Application, and don't just simply say "Let's pick Joliver for Moderator because he has been on the team before!" No. Yes, we do however consider the fact that they were a previous Moderator... But doesn't that make sense? They have experience, and know how to do their job - Even if they made mistakes in the past.

    Let's think, some current Moderators, Super-Moderators, Game-Admins, and Wewin for example, have Resigned/Demoted. We have lives, just like the users, we need a rest from time to time. Sometimes we make mistakes, which leads to our removal from Staff. But that shouldn't warrant a "Time-Out". Personally, when I Resigned from my position as Game-Administrator, I knew if I wanted to re-apply in the future, I had to work extra hard. Show I'm fit for the job once more. This isn't easy, trust me.

    Overall, I don't believe this should be added. We're not Robots, we need breaks, and we make mistakes too. Just like regular users. But we shouldn't let small mistakes/breaks completely shut us out of Applying for Moderator, I just believe if the reason for Demotion/Resignation was serious, we should be really strict and eerie before re-hiring previous Staff members - Which we are. :)

    runakilli & JokerBoss99 - Would you guys mind elaborating further on why you want this Added? I'm curious to see you're opinions further then just a "+1".
    #11 Jetscat, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  12. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
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    Jun 4, 2011
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    I can certaintly see why you would want this, but as harry pointed out earlier, not all staff that apply get it back.
    Look at me for an example. I was demoted in January, and i have applied every single staff app that is open.
    For a little bit of context, i have been here for 2.5ish years. Applied for staff over 22 times. Yet only gotten it once.
    I thing that staff who are demoted or resign should have to wait for the next apps to open. But it would really only apply in certain cases. For instance; I was demoted in the middle of staff picks. I thought it would be unfair for me to apply literally 10 days after i got demoted. So i waited until the next time apps opened.
    I kinda have a 50/50 split on this. I agree on some fronts of where staff very recently demoted need to wait a while(eg. in the middle of staff picks or withing 3 weeks) But i disagree that all staff need to be postponed.
    -1 and +1 at the same time.
    But i do have to agree with jetscat and ryan. There are some VERY good staff members who have been demoted but never had the chance to reapply.
    I feel kind of torn in this too, as i have grown rather close to some old and current staff. And i have been staff before.
    But i again, disagree and agree. But for my overall view on this. i say no to what you have proposed. But if you can change some of the ideas it may just work
  13. Delucaco

    Delucaco Station 64 Swag
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    May 2, 2012
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    Because I am one of the users that have gotten reinstated, I guess that I should chime in. Well, as you most likely know, I got demoted in February. It's not like I haven't tried a lot to get back on our staff team, I have applied four times since and just got back on now.

    Pretty much, you aren't guaranteed staff just because you used to be on the staff team. You still have to prove yourself :)
  14. RealRunakilli

    RealRunakilli Call me dad
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    May 23, 2012
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    Well now that I have seen other peoples opinions, I am halfway for it, and halfway not for it. I do feel that other people should be given a chance at being on the staff team, although, I now fully understand why previous moderators were chosen; because they have experience at being a moderator on the server. I also have noticed a pattern, where a player, who is now a moderator, applies, resigns due to lack of time, applies again, gets moderator, and resigns again due to lack of time, no offence. If other players were chosen as moderator, you most likely will not have to worry about them resigning, if the right person was chosen. Of course there's a possibility that the new player might resign for certain reasons such as they cannot fulfill the moderator expectations simply because being on the ECC staff team can be quite tedious, regarding complaints and what not.

    To be honest, I guess I am half and half on this suggestion now that I have seen other people's suggestions, and I guess I did not really put this whole thing in to perspective when I wrote "+1."
    #14 RealRunakilli, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  15. Lee1104

    Lee1104 Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    I'm not really against or for this. The moderators that were chosen (even if they were ex-mods) proved themselves worthy of becoming a moderator. Yes, sometimes we like to see new names in blue, but if they can do their job well, let them be.
  16. The_Tailor

    The_Tailor Builder
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    Mar 9, 2013
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    Hmm lets see here 2 new staff got picked, 6 staff got picked that were either demoted or resigned i find it kinda rigged, i think ex mods shouldnt be able to reapply at all and i think others should get a chance at the position.
    #16 The_Tailor, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2013
  17. Lee1104

    Lee1104 Builder
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    Oct 5, 2012
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    Why shouldn't they be allowed to reapply? They were chosen for a reason, and that is because staff think they can do the job well.
  18. ajp79

    ajp79 President
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    Mar 1, 2012
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    Although I do understand your argument to some degree. The fact remains that people who are the most trusted and qualified are selected to be mods. I can assure you it is an intensive and time consuming process with a lot of discussion. The reason why you see many mods reselected is because they have already demonstrated this once before. I have seen several former mods reapply and not get selected on numerous occasions. IMO the 6 mods chosen were awesome mods before and had to leave for irl issues. In my case I had a baby. Why shouldn't we be allowed to return if we are the most qualified based on what I said above?
  19. AgentHare

    AgentHare Builder
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    Oct 28, 2012
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    I just think it would help to even out the New Mod/Ex Mod ratio.

    Some new faces and some old faces.
  20. The_Tailor

    The_Tailor Builder
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    Mar 9, 2013
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    well the ratio now is 2/6 and its kinda sad i think it should be atleast 4/4