Suggestion I think that spawn statue prices should be lowered. Reason Today I went around rising and legacy spawn and noticed that there are far less statues then there used to be. Since rising and spawn statues have been out a while spawn statues seem to be less popular then 6 months ago, resulting in less sale and donations for the server. With all those empty spots, I think that it would make sense to lower the the price so that the server can maximize the money it makes off of spawn statue donations. Also, the spawn statues there is, the better it looks in my opinion. The server looks... deadish...with all the empty spots. Addition Information This is not an attempt at getting a spawn statue at a lower price for myself; I am not currently interested in buying one. This is an attempt at increasing the server's donations.
I'm not sure how much they could actually go down... Legacy statues are meant to be cheaper than Rising; it makes sense for the most part. However, Legacy statues already go as low as $10. You cannot go below $10 normally, as you start to lose money (either money conversions or taxes ... I don't know the details). Therefore, the only way to lower prices would be with Rising statues, but that kind of.. defeats the purpose of them being better. I'm neutral on the suggestion, but I think the only way to change it would be to make it bi-monthly payments or something. I'm not sure if that is possible though, since charges are usually monthly or yearly.
They really have no selling point or value to anyone except rich users, so I think they should increase the benefits or lower the prices +1
I believe this would work also. Really just anything that maximizes the spawn statues' efficiency in donations.