Minecraft Name: Kick_Me_1235 Suggestion: Add an sg point system, similiar to call of duty Reason: Everyone has complaining about op kit combos (miq+spy+buffer) and this is a great way to fix it. Any Other Information: The point system will work like this. Every kit will be given a number, and that is how much they are worth. A player may have 10 points he may use on kits, so this may include miq (4 points), spy (5 points), and scavenger (1 point). Obviously, the points for every kit can be switched around, but the op ones should be worth more so that they cannot be combined with any other op kits. Link To This Plugin: N/A
I like this except people paid for all of their kits, and they obviously want to use all of their kits. I still think that this would make a lot of people mad.
When creating a class on CoD you get to select as many things as you like until you have no points left. So you could have 2 guns with lots of attachments and have no lethals or tactical grenades. So kick is saying. Each game you have 10 point kits you can use. If you use an op kit like buffer (say this is 7 points), this means you have 3 points left to pick other kits during that game, if MiQ was 5 points you would not be able to use MIQ and buffer together. This would stop really crazy OP combos of kits.
Ah Right, I see. Then I would have to agree with this suggestion, it will get rid of people using 3+ kits every match.
Personally, I would love this. The problem I see with this though is that some people buy kits like spy and buffer specifically for being combo'd with other kits. Especially with ++ kits, people are going to feel that they wasted money on kits that they wanted to use as combos.
I see what you are saying, but it all depends on how the points are distributed. If buffer is 5 and spy is 4, you can use both and still have 1 spare point for something like a weak sword kit or something.
+1 I am tired of randomly being killed by bfr miq swords out of nowhere and I have no chance to react.
I am 50/50 on this I think you should have 15 points total as I would like to use my buffer sword lot combo