Minecraft Name: @StanleyMines Suggestion: Add a command to see how many votes you have so far this month. Reason: To see how many votes you have, if you forgot if you voted on a certain day. Any Other Information: Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/give-anything-listener/
I believe this concept is possible with the plugin GAListener. ECC may use this plugin although I am unsure. GAListener allows for Lucky votes and monetary rewards and so on for users who vote. It also logs votes until the log gets reset, and with the correct permissions users can view the top 10 voters.
I do not have much expertise on minecraft plugins, but I believe this would be a good idea if it did not cause too much trouble to implement.
Link to GA Listener: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/give-anything-listener/ This still works with 1.8 with my experience with it.
Maybe see how much you have voted. But not see top voters, Its nice to have a surprise at the end of the month. Rather then knowing your gunna get it and not have to vote the last couple of time.
Yes - GAListener implements /topvotes, which shows the top 10 voters. In addition, it shows how many votes that player has. Here's an example of what /topvotes really IS in action, for you curious lads: