My suggestion is that if a user gets scammed and has clear evidence of payment then an admin should take his money off the scammer and give it back to the person who got scammed. This is because I see many users leaving because of scams and I also have seen 2 complaints on a certain user who has done 3 donation scams in the past day. We need all the people we can get now and having people leave because of scammers is not helping.
I agree with this. Makes no sense why, as long as the scammer still has said money, it can't be returned to the scammed. As it stands now there's no real reason to file a complaint as they will just get banned and nothing is reimbursed at all.
It gets bad when there are items involved, as well as the money going into lottery and to other users. Overall, the end result is much worse than what started, and all that's been had is wasted Admin time. There's a reason this doesn't exist yet.
So only do it for money, and only do it if the scammer has the funds available. Or if they have signs with funds available take them out and give money back to the scammed. If money is gone it's gone no need to waste time.
Two people could scam this system... think about it. Also, What happens if the money is lotto'd? Would it them come out of the person who won the lottos bal? As technically speaking, they have the money.
As I stated, only take money if they have it still. Otherwise the scammed would be sol. Would just be a way to help the community when they are scammed, if possible, which is what we should want.
Thats unfair, then people would complain that user X got a refund, whilst they didn't. It would just cause a riot.
It's unfair now, at least this way there's a chance of getting your loss back. This servers economy is supposed to be real life like, and if some one in real life gets scammed or robbed and the police find what was taken the person gets there belongings/cash back. However this don't always happen and most likely it won't happen. It should be like that on here, this way there is at least a chance. As it stands now if you get scammed out of several hundred k you are just sol. Most likely people that this happens to will leave. However if there is a chance they will get it back they will be more likely to stay. It also makes no sense to ban a user for this when they have the funds, why not ban them and take those funds and give it to the user it's owed?
This is a game.. You know that right? How is it fair to give some people the money back, and some not?
I know it is a game. But the economy is based off real life economy. But I'm not repeating myself, already explained how it is. Didn't say it would be fair, it's not fair now so it is what it is.
In a real life economy, people wouldn't just take loans and promise to give certain amount back in a time frame, its more complicated then that. For example, (real life) Buying A Car: You take out a loan. (You put down collateral, which would be the car) if you missed a payment or didn't pay back the loan, your car would be repossessed. This is what should happen when you make a contract, Make sure you have collateral down just in case. Someone taking out a loan? Put down: If @BLAH fails to pay back the loan by BLAH date, 3 days will be given before a complaint will be filed and if player does not have the sufficient money to repay the loan, his BLAH (MelonSword, Town, Set Items) will be given over to @Mission001 as payment. This way people will be encouraged to actually pay the loan rather then gamble it away, get banned and then reappeal to gain extra time on repaying. You guys already do late fees, so why not do repossession of items, being a contract is agreed and has to be upheld. Long Story Short Add Collateral to your contracts incase they fail to repay
I brought this same thing up in a thread at some point and was told it wouldn't work because most are low rank and don't have things for collateral. Still think it's a good idea though.
Well you dont have to give out loans to people who are low rank? They are a high risk and if you are willing to risk your money like that, then thats your fault Banks wont loan you money for a house or something if they dont think they would at least get there money back from you, i would advise you guys to do the same, be very cautious how you loan away your hard earned money.
I could not agree more Mission - you risk your money, you lose, don't ask for everyone else to make up for your mistakes. If money is just given back, our economy is affected. Unfortunately, scamming is another aspect of our economy here that has to be accepted to play here - the money that disappears from our economy helps keep inflation down so long live the scammers