Minecraft Name: AgentHare Suggestion: Adding a "Roleplay" channel to ECC Reason: I've seen a lot of roleplaying recently on global and it is getting very annoying. I want them to take it somewhere else and I think a roleplay channel would be a lot better instead of spamming global.. Any Other Information: The color could be tan or something. Something like this and if that's too close it could be like this, an olive color Plugin: Should be able to simply add it..
You can use '/ch leave g' if you have a problem with the content in global chat. We don't need a useless channel that wouldn't be used very often.
Anything that has an action between two *s is roleplay in my opinion. It can get really annoying especially when they won't take it to pm..
Well, there are tons of city channels so I wouldn't call it useless. People would warm up to it. In global I want to talk to normal people so I just think there should be another place do it. No, I will not use /ignore because it makes me feel bad a lot of VIPs do it.
just ignore the users using /ignore. Personally, I don't really care. Sometimes, it's even kind of fun reading what people have to say. ^^
Ryan, if it's not a roleplay server, I'm sure he wouldn't be asking for a roleplay channel. Unless staff is gonna tell people to "Take it to local/pm." I think this channel would be a good idea. Unless there will be a rule amendment, I'm for this idea.
That's not roleplaying. :\ Those are simply actions, and I see no reasons to keep those out of global chat, they're nothing different from regular chat messages.
It's not those that bother me it's all the people "Marrying" each other, THAT is the annoying stuff I'd rather have going on in PM, Local, or Pary chat.