Thread Title: Lotto Change to *OVERTIME* Minecraft Name: WolvieD2GMark Suggestion: Changing Lotto's last minute timer to *OVERTIME* instead of counting down to one second. Reason: I want the Lotto to change from one minute countdown to just state *OVERTIME* so that snipers have to be aware and counting for a proper snipe~ So its not just showing to them constantly. Lotto wouldn't exist if players didn't throw in early. If no-one threw in early~ no-one 'could' or rather 'would' snipe. So I suggest this change to make snipers have to work a little to get a proper snipe off. I also believe this change will push players towards playing lotto before last 3 seconds of lotto. Other Information: If no-one played Lotto before the last 3 seconds Lotto wouldn't do move. By making this change~ we're ensuring more players play the lotto early~ making for bigger and more fun pots. I must stress that this does not remove sniping. If your willing or able ~ You can just countdown from when it hits "*OVERTIME*". So sniping is in no way dead. Its just been made so if your watching lotto~ sniping is going to be a-lot harder.
Hello, Okay, so I decided I would think it over, like I said I would. I have decided I don't know if this is or isn't a good idea. Therefore, I feel we should ask AndrewKM to do the OverTime idea for about a week and then see how it effects lotto and if we want to continue using it. Revanrose6
I would love the idea though I would most likely develop a macro to give me the lotto time if this were to be implemented
-1, I think the lotto is fine. It's like that for a reason. This is a good idea, however I don't think it is right for ECC.
It doesn't show the time left if it's within one minute of drawing, it'll say "Overtime" instead of "10 seconds"
Isn't that rather useless? You could just get a timer for 1 minute and start it as soon as "Overtime" starts?
You could have a timer for this but that doesn't mean everyone will have a timer by there sides while using lotto. I think this is a great idea. ++11 from me!
I think this is a good idea because some snipers wouldnt think of getting a time and instead they would try counting in their head, then they might loose track and this puts more money in the pot and more stress on the sniper.
Honestly this was my original Idea but I didn't want to put any stress on Khobbits trying to code a random drawing in last minute. The way I feel it~ is 90% of snipers don't pay attention to the lotto till the last 30 seconds. So if all they see is "OVERTIME" its going to mess them up a little and make players play the Pot Earlier than the last 3 seconds. If anything this will cause MORE money to enter the lotto and be taxed. Not less. The More money in the pot before last minute = more snipers. IF someone is willing to go to the effort of making a macro ~ I'm completely fine with that~ they've put in the effort of making that Macro and using it. It also has a chance to break or not function correctly ... (Say server restarts and causes lotto timer to stop) If they put in effort to count it. They deserve to be able to snipe.
I know Java(not the bukkit API so well) I have created a random number generator and I think khobbits could do this just for the bukkit AP, on the lottery plugin.
Those snipers that are serioua will find other ways of keeping track such as making a macro. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta