Hi, I don't now if this already exists but i was wondering if ECC could Create/Adopt a plugin that would allow hyperlinks in signs. This would be useful for not only me but i can see the wider ECC players wanting to use this as well, especially for Mayors+. I would see this becoming useful and can be used in towns as voting for special events etc. I just wanted to know what the people of ECC thought and if anyone would like to attempt to make this Bukkit Plugin. As me myself, am not a coder i can't say i could make this, but answer in the poll or comment if you think this is a good idea... With the comments below i can see that there is a plugin that can support this function, i think we should ask to have the function available to us (Mayors+) and that we can use it for our towns benefit... ------------------------------------------------------------ Added: 12/06/13 So far it looks like if this plugin was used that it would belong on the Donator package of EXTCREATIONS, But thinking about it, ECC don't really add new things to existing packages. This means you will be getting something for free if you already have splashed out to buy EXTCREATIONS. I Think that a new Donator package is called for, what do you think??? ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks, KALVB123
If you have a suggestion that you would want to see on the server, please post a thread in our suggestion forums, found here. As for the link on signs, I believe one of our current plug-ins have support for this, however no one has permission to make them. I may be wrong, though I am pretty certain one of them does have this already implemented. Edit: I might as well move this one instead of having another made. Moved: General discussion -> Suggestions
Actually, I would love to see this...I can see andrew using this to make getting resident/ranks easier for people who are new to the server ^.^ +1
Links could go to the resident application, and oter stuff. Also the donation billboards could have a link to ecocitycraft.com/donate. I like it. +1
i have a sign with a tinyurl to my town thread, but it isnt an actual link. That sign is important due to the full town rules being there and stuff, but a hyperlink sign would be cool. Perhaps either make it mayors + can use this feature, or even make it an extcreations thing. Good thing for me- im a mayor with extcreations lol
Yes that would be good, incorporate it into extcreations that way we can fit the idea in without mayor code editing.
I can see it now; [Tr][Mayor][$]Bob:Buying URL signs, paying $50 per sign! To:Bob I can place it for ya, $75 a sign tho. From:Bob Okay, i'll tp u You have recieved a teleport request from Bob........ etc etc Extra money plus bonus signs. To clarify: This shoul be extcreations, not extcreations+! Plus has the more practical, while gates/doors etc. are more aesthetic. Color/url signs fit in there with the NON-PLUS donation.
This is a good idea in theory but it ripe for links to malware/porn sites that would undoubtedly be unlabeled as such. Would there be a check in place to verify a link before it became active?