Minecraft Name: Jrg5978 Suggestion: That if you get banned and successfully appeal you will receive a small (or large) fine upon joining the server. Reason: This provides more of an incentive to not break the rules and punishes users more for breaking rules. This would also take money out of the economy Any Other Information: I suggest that the fine would be determined by many things. For example a builder who just joined and advertised would not get a very big fine (maybe 1k) but a ecoleader who hacks and scams would get a much bigger fine (25k?). I am however, skeptical about fining users who scammed people as they need to pay them back. I also suggest that if a user gets banned multiple times their fine would steadily increase. Link To This Plugin: N/A
I'd like to see this implemented upon repeat offenders. Other than that, I think it should stay how it is.
+1. great idea. maybe even rank removals. honestly. being banned on this server is almost a joke. people get banned for cheat/hacking. some of the worst things to do ingame. and they get back a week later after lying through their teeth in a ban appeal.. i enjoy reading though ban appeals.. ive seen soo many people banned repeatedly for the same offence and they get back a week later.. breaking rules and getting banned is just asking for extended temp ban passed the allowed 3 days...
Since ECC is becoming a hub restrict users to only be able to login into a world which could be like jail lol with cells and all...they can mine to payback loans or grief or farm etc the cell would be where they can have chest of items to trade with other jail people cause paybacks could be bargained I.e. partial payment and a few diamond blocks....etc just a random idea
How about they get a negative balance? They get their balance wiped AND a negative balance. I know it can be done.
-1 Some people already lose their inventories, ender chests.. basically their whole .dat file. Why should they be punished (tempban after appeal) for being punished (removing .dat file) for being punished (fine)?
I love how you -1 this, doesn't even surprise me considering your history. Anyway onto your point, it teaches a lesson, right now it's just a slap on the wrist, and a temp ban and your inventory MAY clear.
I think this is an idea that has merit but I see some issues that would need to be addressed. Fining players who have scammed simply delays them (and could possibly prohibit entirely) being able to repay those whom they have scammed, possibly leading to further bans, further scams, etc. If we decide to not fine scammers, on the basis that they should be using the money to repay those whom they have scammed, this could potentially add reason for people to scam if they know they're going to be banned for something else, or even possibly "scam" their friends and allow friends have that evidence to be used to add scamming to a potential ban reason. The question is really whether it's worth getting the extra time added to their tempban instead of facing monetary punishment. You could of course use numbers that are low enough where any player would feel that it is far worse to take the extra time off rather than to pay, however I feel that this would render fines too low to show any significant effect in player behavior. As another note, how would fines be decided? A simple rank based system wouldn't show justice, as rank (most notably in lower ranks, resident - president) doesn't have much to do with how much a player can make. Trying to calculate it based on players invites opportunity for bias (admittadly this is a system that should have some bias, though only biased against those who break rules constantly) or staff discretion (while different staff members handling things differently is something that is bound to happen, it especially shouldn't happen here). What if players balances were too low to pay them? I assume the general consensus would be issue a longer tempban, but this is essentially giving people the choice between the two (you can see my point about fining scammers as the effect is very similar -- is the tempban or the monetary punishment worse?). Who would be issuing the fines? Currently only GA+ staff can remove money from balances (and only then for the purpose of applications). This makes this, assuming it could easy be set to just a few options, almost entirely move appeals out of SuperMod work and into GameAdmin work as GameAdmins would need to process the fines.
fining players would not delay them paying back their debts due to a priority system.. pay your debts then pay your fines.. first idea solved. as for using scamming as a loophole. i dont think it would be an issue due to bans/ban appeals being handled by people and not robots. mods/GAs have good judgement. how fines would be decided.. it would be based on what what scammed.. irl money/donation features would have a bigger fine due to them effecting irl money. loan scamming would be handled by the ol' take off a 0. scam 500,000= 50,000 fine. 1,000,000 =100,000 fine. you get the idea.. as for irl money scamming i think it would depend on amount promised to pay and the amount scammed.. what if player bal is too low to pay?. how is that handled now? person 1 loans person 2 100k. person 2 needs to pay back 120k next week. person 2 lost it all in lotto and doesnt make anything.. person 2 has 0 in his bal. he just has to make 120k. when he gets back.. person 2 would just have to make an additional 10k after to pay his fines for loan scamming. who would be issuing the fines? who ever handles the ban appeal.. the scammer has to apply for the fine after the debts have been reported paid off.. similar to applying for res.. they put in on the forums that they have the fine money. and a GA+ takes it out of their bal when they get around to it.. if they dont apply for it. well thats another scamming ban. *edit* the fines would help people who were scammed by people with no intention of returning to ECC. relevent to this http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/suggestion-help-pay-back-scammed-players.113246/