Minecraft Name: Bandgeek12345 Suggestion: Keep a forum section open for mods to post when and how people get banned. Reason: People trust repeat offenders all the time just to get the shaft in a deal gone bad. in IRL criminals even after spending time in prison have a record. ECC offenders should as well. there needs to be a way to look up is this guy trust worthy or not. scamming has become huge on the server and its from repeat offenders who get back with a sob story in ban appeals.. have a record lets people know that certain people shouldnt be trusted with certain things. examples include melon sword scamming, massive farm greifing, donation scamming. Any Other Information: I believe this will improve the environment of ECC. it has become too toxic with people who repeatedly break the rules. ban appeals kinda serves this purpose but is bloated with extra information that honest ECC dwellers dont need to be troubled with. How it works: If a person looks fishy goto the Felon Records forum section and type their user name in the search. if it comes up clean they have not offended before. if it doesnt you know what they did, and know if you should trust them or not.
I don't think that this is a good idea for two reasons. First off, some ban reasons are private and kept from general knowledge. This is to stop flaming/raging of staff decisions or just arguments in general over what the banned user did and/or is accused of doing. There's a rule against discussing bans/ban reasons for a reason not just to limit what we can talk about. My second reason is simply this: you can already do this. Just search for the user under the Ban Appeals/Complaints sub-forums. Now granted this may take more time than what you are suggesting, but it accomplishes the job and isn't that much more tedious/difficult. If complaints have been filed against a user they are all there. If the user was banned and appealed the ban it is there. It'll probably take the same amount of effort as searching through a special sub-forum and wouldn't add to the workload of staff members.
I think you should be able to submit a form (like you do to apply for resident) to see someone's ban reason. Requirements would be a reason why for example a contract.
I can't see this happening. Staff keep ban reasons highly confidential and it has always been that way.
Or you could just search their name up on the forum and look for a ban appeal/complaint on them? Just a thought because it's already there...
Ditto what everyone else said, plus the fact that it's just one more duty on a moderator's already very busy schedule. -1