Minecraft Name: Iticip Suggestion: Disable mining XP Reason: It makes sense. The XP market won't be stable forever. The prices now are the same as they were when it cost 15k XP to enchant a tool; it's only a matter of time before people enchant all the XP they need, and the market crashes. Any Other Information: It's a bold prediction, but it's a choice that has to be made sooner rather than later. Link To This Plugin: None needed
-1 I see no need to do this. Mining gives another form of bringing exp into the economy. You need to ask yourself this: Would you rather have a lot of exp with a lot of demand or very little exp with almost no demand?
I'm all for something being done to increase xp's worth, but the problem I have with disabling mining xp is that this makes it so that you can only get xp from spawners. I've never really liked the idea of a certain item only coming from people sitting in front of a spawner.
-1 mining is one of the best forms of getting XP right now, especially for the people just starting. Will they have the tools, armor and resources to set up a decent XP grinder? It's ridiculous how high the XP prices will soar when mining XP goes *poof* and I get that's the point of an economy- especially a hardcore one- but maybe this will force people to leave ECC because of this. I myself find it annoying to find a spawned and grind XP for a long time. There are better things to do than AFK at a grinder for 10 minutes or so. Plus, with mining XP you get the drops and XP whereas without XP you only get the drops which makes mining seem not worth it. I don't know, that's just 'my two cents' in the conversation. Take it as you will, I do not mind.
the problem isn't that too much comes into the economy, the problem is that almost nothing goes out of it. (due to repairs making exp practically obsolete) removing mining exp will not fix the problem in the long term, it's just a short term patch.