Minecraft Name: JrHockey17 Suggestion: I think that boats should be implemented into SG chests. Reason: One, because you could break the boat for tools and equipment if you needed them. Two, because you can maneuver around the water easily. Some maps, like SG 1 and SG 6 have certain parts of the map where there is a big stream, and boats would be helpful traveling down it. They should have a small spawn rate, however. Any Other Information: Just a cool item that would help add to the sg experience Link To This Plugin: N/A
+8979323846264338327950 Stanley has that memorized. *Lookes up the next digets. *gets to tired and gives up.
+2884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067... and I'm too lazy to type out the next 120... Charger has all that memorized Seriously though, +1 on the suggestion, that would be super useful in arenas with water. I agree, it should have a really low spawn rate, about that of an iron sword perhaps.