Minecraft Name: ninjadude501 Suggestion: Add a plugin to Ecocitycraft to replace the auction channel Reason: Because far too many people use the auction channel to see how high people will go. For instance, some people will say "Selling melonsword starting at free!" And then watch the bids without hearing any. And if the bids don't go high enough, they simply say "Auction canceled" or something similar, and it doesn't go against the rules because they never heard any bids. This would remove their ability to do that, and remove unnecessary auctions from the channel. Another reason is to remove the hassle from transferring items and making sure you get your money or your items. With a good auction plugin, the money would go straight from the bidder to the seller, and the items from the seller to the bidder, without ever having to be thrown on to the ground. Yet another reason would be to remove confusion. Most auction plugins I've seen only do one auction at a time, and to get info you can simply do something like "/auc info" or otherwise. Any Other Information: There may be other, better plugins out there, but the link I'm putting in is simply the first one I found that looked decent. Also, please post opinions below. Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/dumbauction/
You cant auction services through a separate auction plug in. That's why this hasnt been added the first hundred times its been suggested.
Hmm, good point. Didn't know it was suggested before, I thought I was the first. But then again, I doubt there are like, any suggestions that haven't been thought of already. However, one way to do it would be to rename a stone shovel, etc., "lifetime tps from [username]" or otherwise. Or perhaps they could edit the plugin to allow for something like that, or perhaps add a block that people with TP, water, extcreations, etc. could create named "lifetime tps" etc.
Okay, new idea. What if, instead of replacing the auction channel completely, we added this and changed the auction channel rules? All blocks are auctioned using the auction plugin, and services are auctioned in the old auction channel.