Add 420 to it. So staff can warn for it. 420 is a drug reference in itself and should be treated as such.
+1, I see this reference come up everyday in chat. In all seriousness, it is rather annoying. Things like these should be able to be handled by staff, so that they can take appropriate action.
420 is too obscure of a reference. What's next? Banning "snow" because it's a reference to a drug? Let's just ban all these words too!
+1 how else am i meant to 420quickscopeladderstallpistolswitchinterventionrustonlygabenewellmountindewdoritoshardscopexx people?
Hold on... This suggestions is stupid. If the rules state "do not talk about drugs" then any reference to drugs should not be allowed? I thought that was how the rules worked...
You know what? Lets remove chat all together. We won't have any problems than. What is wrong with you people? Don't you understand every time you ban a word a substitue will appear. Grow up and man up! Who are you protecting? The kids know these stuff already and if they don't they will find out in a few years. This is a Minecraft server not Nazi Germany!
In my opinion if the reference is obvious then mods can warn at their discretion. No need to add this to the rules, as the rule already states that all drug refernces aren't allowed. It's the moderators choice whether they warn or not.
I don't feel like this needs to be specifically mentioned. If the context makes it clear that this term is being used to reference to drugs then it is already covered by the rules. I think it would be fighting a losing battle to start excluding specific terms. Locked