Minecraft Name: @StanleyMines Suggestion: Add [Heal] signs at spawn Reason: Builders low on health and hunger can go to spawn and heal up and go back to money making. Any Other Information: N/A Link To This Plugin: Essentials (Already Have)
This has great intentions,but there is 1 problem. If people have back and multi home they could just use those and go to sign and back and never need food again. If this can be stopped from happening sure but until then no thx
I also like the intentions behind this suggestion. However looking back at my early days on ECC and the trade and global chats posted by newly joined members, food/hunger is one of the main things that gets builders engaged in trade and chat (I know that it was for me xD) and I fear that having a heal sign at spawn might deter them from being introduced to the economy and community. Although I really like the thought behind this, I think things are fine as they are XD
That would just take way to much time/effort. It's a waste of time to just /back to the heal sign at spawn. Plus, if you have a heal sign in your town you can just /back to that too. As for this suggestion I completely agree that this should be added.
Aren't you able to lock stuff so that only a certain rank can use it? If so, we could just lock the sign for builders and once they become resident+ they no longer have the privilege of free food/health.