Minecraft Name: Dccciz Suggestion: Give a one week forum ban to anyone who posts in the BA/C section, and are not complying with these rules. Reason: These posts aren't warranted, and warnings seem to be doing a great job with getting people to stop. Any Other Information: Situations: Your Ban Appeal: You're allowed to post the appeal, and respond with ONE post when a mod asks you to. Someone Else's Ban Appeal: You can respond ONLY IF a mod tags you, or asks for your input. Any violations result in a ban. Your Complaint Against Someone Else: You're allowed to post the complaint, with proper evidence. You're not allowed to post again unless there is new EVIDENCE. This does not include "oh and btw he also did this b4 like last month and stuff". If you violate these guidelines, you get a one week ban. A Complaint Against Someone Else (You have Evidence): You're allowed one post, which MUST contain evidence, not your opinion. You need video/screenshot evidence. If you don't reply with evidence, you get banned for one week. A Complaint Against You: You're allowed ONE post in order to defend yourself, and you can respond when a mod asks you to. If it doesn't have evidence, you get banned for one week. Link To This Plugin: N/A
I can't stress enough how the punishment needs to be severe enough if you want people to stop. Warnings don't do anything. It needs to be a week forum ban, and maybe a 3 day ingame ban for each and every violation.
Haha, Literally suggested this to Smorez a few days ago... I noticed a user complaint at least with 5 staff members saying no more irrelevant posts otherwise you'll get a forum warning. +1 needs to be more strict and will ease staff's workload. Some of your suggestions are a little harsh though...
It can never be this harsh. That only feeds the unrest people already have with the system. As well, some people are not super savvy with technology or the Internet... Or might actually have valid information and were not tagged. I agree that there needs to be more severe punishment for people posting when their posts are not needed... but severe =/= harsh in this case. Your suggestion is extremely harsh and will only cause problems and make ECC look like a dictatorship. Those who post when they are not supposed to should get a forum warning (visible on the post + point on their account, verbal in ADDITION, not ONLY). Anyone who posts when they are not suppose to should have their profile warnings checked to see if they did it recently or in the past - if they have, either add one or two warning points based on severity. By adding two additional points, the user would have a total of three points and get an automatic 3-day forum ban. EDIT: Another option would be to delete unnecessary posts and STILL add a forum profile/account warning point, with or without verbal notice on the thread. Now, when it comes to ban location (when/if there is a ban), it should only be on the forum. The rule they broke was on the forum... not in-game. There is no reason to ban them in-game. As for time, it really does not need to be more than a day or two, or a max of three days. Anymore than that and you cause huge communication issues ... especially if it was the original poster who 1) has a complaint open and needs to provide feedback, 2) they may be in a major project or contract (could tie into complaint), 3) ..etc. It simply does not seem logical to give long bans. The only time a long ban (more than three days) would be needed is if they are a repeat offender within the last month or two. You can't just make new rules/guidelines this harsh. Not even in-game rule breaking (of equivalent "value") gets such a harsh punishment, let alone results/hurt/etc from the rule breaking. And during a (long period) of time where people are commonly at unrest with strictness and lack of strictness, it would make things look really bad...
I agree with this as regards random trolling, but the player who is appealing the ban or who the complaint is against has to be allowed to defend themselves, I think. Why limit them on their own thread?
I believe he's speaking in the context of players that comment on appeals that don't pertain to them. So if the complaint is on you, you can most certainly respond. But, if someone like me is to go and respond, then they would receive this ban.
+1 when they are just trolling and being annoying but maybe people could have 1 post with any information about the situation the mod don't know about? This post was posted by the fabulous slayer_boy_2000. Feel honoured that this was posted! X D p.s This is a signature
I agree with MoofinK - this punishment is too harsh. That said, things seem to be out of control currently. 5 pages for a complaint - multiple warnings - in fact there may have been more warnings than useful posts. I disagree and feel that the ban should be ECC wide since once a forum ban is issued, the chat is then filled with the troll complaining about being banned - I would prefer to see the trolling stop, whatever that takes. I say combine the ban, start with something more reasonable such as 4 hours - and then just keep adding 4 hours to each punishment. I do not pretend to understand how the point system currently works, however, it seems the same players continually abuse the system so they must know much more than I. There are times a dictatorship seems almost pleasant when compared to the constant trolling.
1 week bans are too much, though I do agree that staff needs to step up their game and start being more strict with these. Forum warnings literally mean nothing. If trolls are shown that staff has a little bite to back up their bark, then this wouldn't be an issue. 1 day forum bans are enough to get people to stop.
-1 getting forum banned for posting in complaint/ ban appeal would end up happening a lot and what if there is a new member on the forums and just tries to make a thread al of a sudden they are banned and they didn't even know why because they might not know how to use the different sections on the forums.
+1 if you don't want to follow the rules in the first place, you deserve any kind of punishment. you are supposed to have read the rules and by being any rank or even joining the forums you agree and comply to the rules listed.
I think that staff would have the discernment to not let this happen - I believe this suggestion is more about how we are all getting weary of seeing the same players comment on each and every Ban/Complaint - get warned seemingly over and over again without any consequence. Though as per my previous comment, I still feel this punishment suggested may be too harsh.
IMO the punishments are too harsh, however I agree that there should be stricter ones. Maybe direct 1-3 day forum ban for the obvious trolling and for other unneeded posts etc furum warnings as we have currently? Oh, and combining forum and ingame ban.