This post is being made at 10pm PST which means in 2 hours the storage wars will be hosted. Facts: There are 11 lockers. 1 of them was donated and made by Skylexia. There is no dirt/wool/stick etc fillers. The following are in the lockers (not necessarily in all of them)- Redstone blocks, iron blocks, emeralds, emerald blocks, diamonds, enchanted books, enchanted items, and 1 written book by me (EEC Fairy Tales Book 3) This will be held in the Town Project Normandy. Why? This is a Fundraiser for Project Normandy. Each locker will start at 5k. What you bid from there is up to you. I will give one preview locker: I have picked 1 locker at random to be previewed above. Please post down below if you will be attending the storage wars and be sure to PM me for a tp at noon. Revanrose6
The fundraiser made approximately 140k. I will now be locking this thread considering the FundRaiser ended yesterday. Revanrose6 Thread Locked - My Own Request