Why: People will be talking and then this will happen: http://imageshack.com/a/img537/382/Zqnjbz.png How: limit the amount of times you can type /lot buy (number of tickets) to 3 every 10 seconds!!! Why do you think this should be added: Because so many people complain about people going /lot buy 1 and making your screen go http://imageshack.com/a/img910/8202/4XQ1nv.png CA BOOM!
What about people that pay attention to lotto? You should be required to purchase all your tickets at once instead of ten in a row. I know excessive lotto spam is against the rules but only at mods discretion. And I have yet to see any one get warned for it.
Well, if people want to pay attention to lotto, then they can deal with the spam. If they don't, then they can /lot messages. It's simple, really. No need to force a requirement on people because somebody can't be bothered to /lot messages.
By that logic any one not wanting to see spam at all can just leave a channel, or turn off the chat HUD all together. Stupid logic. Why don't people just /lot buy 10 instead of spamming?its easier so I don't get it.
Yeah, exactly. They can leave a channel or turn off the HUD instead of crying. Why don't people just /lot messages instead of crying? It's easier so I don't get it.
lol. Trolling at its best. I agree with the suggestion. if I want to play lotto then I won't turn off /lot messages Why is it allowed to spam tickets when you can buy them all at once? I can understand with shouts, but lottery has the ability to buy all tickets at once.
I think many people will use rapid "/lot buy"s because 1) It's on a powertool and they enjoy using the power tool, 2) They don't want people to know how many tickets they have in, so they buy 1 ticket a whole bunch to make it harder to keep track of how many they bought 3) It makes them feel they are richer, with one command it's over and done with, with using the command multiple times they get to 'make it rain' on the server. The staff team does watch this and does warn when someone overdoes it with spamming lottery tickets.. We allow this to a point because it is taking some money out of the economy and many users enjoy it. As already stated, to avoid having lottery spam simply shut off lottery messages with /lot messages.
I always hated the lotto spam rule in all honesty. When it get to the point where some is just powertooling '/lot buy 1' and I can't even see chat, there's a problem. But when some is typing in '/lot buy 1', I never had an issue. The rule is staff discretion, but it should be so long as you can see chat.
Why can't people use power tool and not spam? They can have it set to buy several tickets instead of one. Having a donation feature shouldn't allow you purposefully annoy other users, and the only reason for buying one ticket at a time at once is to annoy others. Any one not wanting others to know how much they have in would be buying tickets throughout the lotto not all at once.
Why should people not have to buy all at once? I don't get the point in buying one at a time ten times in a row other than to annoy.
Why? Strategy my friend. When Mehmet II attacked Constantinople, did he throw every troop he had at the city at once? No. He attacked in waves, which overall led to his victory of the city.
If they do it one at a time over time then ok, but why buy ten in a row one at a time? Just annoying.
Noted for the next invasion I plan. *evil laugh* Honestly in the rules it seems as though it is up to staff discretion: At the risk of being called a hypocrite I have to say I agree with banning lotto spam. I recognize that there are reasons for it (masking number of tickets for example), however I feel in general it should be treated like normal spam. A new user joining the server and seeing that without knowing about /lot messages can easily feel deterred from the server.