What is the current hourly rate for Star Tools? - Melon Sword: - Star Pickaxe: - Star Rod: - Star Axe:
Lets see, recent numbers I've heard... Eff7 - About 18K per hour MSword - Not 100% on this one but like 15k or so I think? Eff10 Axe - around 40k more if you hire planters and you have a good tree farm to use Star Rod - something like 12K to 15K per hour I think?
These are semi-accurate from what I gathered. Eff10 needs fly and level three MCmmo features (both kind),
Melon Sword: $16882 ECD Star Rod: $9504 and extra $8705 for selling 7800 EXP total EXP 7865 total money selling all earnings $18209 Efficiency 7: $12443.05 without selling the diamonds $14868.05 selling the diamonds, extra $3045 for selling 2900 EXp total EXP 2951 total money selling all earnings $17913.05 This is what I have gathered in 1 trip with 1 hour timer, never tried Star Axe, but what axe specifically (I suppose Wood Chopping)
Eff10 does not need mcmmofeatures if you are at lvl 1000 woodcutting. If you are going to get them though, only get the mcmmobonusplus features (ones that increase the superbreaker) And for star rod save 50k xp and buy nstars which you can sell for 630 each (a lot more then selling just right off the bat)
To get the most out of farming trees, you need mcmmobonusplus3 (extends your feller and reduces cooldown), fly/speed, and extcommands++ Also at the very minimum a 200x200 farm, however most farms are 200x600. mcmmoplus imo does nothing for woodcutting, as you can get level 2000 in a few days without it anyways.
Ideal is about 750 if you sprint on speed 10 and use speed 2 potions. But I just do 600 in case I miss a tree or get blocked by some leaves, I can still finish the whole row.