THREAD INFORMATION IS NOT SOLID AT THE MOMENT -- CURRENTLY UNDERGOING BRAINSTORMING FOR TOWN CHANGES AND SOME INACTIVITY DUE TO SCHOOL. Edit: Rising is also taking my time (town of Floresien). I may hand StaffCity over to someone I really trust and someone who knows old ECC and old Staff, if bkchaney does not become active or no longer wants to help. What needs done:• Rebuild Banhammer building. SynWannabe• Rebuild Staff Graveyard (space for 170+ names).• Rebuild Staff Memorial (needs deciding on who goes in it).• Finish cutting out the whole 200x200 area.• Fix paths, add paths.• Fix buildings that were up against the walls before expansion.• Tear down some crappy homes MoofinK made thinking that they matched the old homes from long ago.• Find Staff to build quirky homes for themselves or for fun.• Persuade bkchaney to be active and help with decisions and stuff!• [Re]build some type of stairway/something to get back to the surface.• Figure out a good way to light everything.• Remove everyone who is no longer Staff - figure out a system for allowing Staff members homes. INTRO: Hello, everyone! I am here to revive StaffCity. (Note: Surface layer of StaffCity is not main StaffCity!) What is StaffCity, you may be wondering? It was an underground, hidden town, meant to house the Staff of ECC; but way, way back in the day. There were not many Staff members back then, and they all liked to live very simply in a town that felt homely and fun. A memorial area was even built for past Staff members; but nowadays, there are far too many and the memorial area is to be rebuilt. StaffCity was originally created by my good friend bkchaney and built below kukelekuuk00's MobTown (giant wool animals made into homes). At some point in time, Kuke got control of StaffCity. Now, though, I am co-Mayor/Mayor of the underground area and a part of the surface. I plan to bring StaffCity back to life - and keep it true to its original style of homely and fun - but with some changes. LOCATION: You can find MobTown and the surface near spawn; exit out of Wallstreet and head right. As well, you can type "/rg i staffcity" to find the co-ords. To access the main StaffCity, find the squid, and head underground. Unfortunately, I do not have teleport. The walk is not very long, though; so please take in the scenery! Longest it should take is three minutes. VOLUNTEER WORK: Looking to volunteer your services or materials to StaffCity? This is the perfect section to read, as I am looking for some help! Anyone who makes a significant donation or materials or does nice and/or a lot of labor will be mentioned! Money is a way to help out, but I would prefer labor and materials. Forum PM me about giving items, and we can set up a meeting place in-game. Post on the thread about job interest first, and I will PM you if you can help! Work Available: • * Expansion of the underground area (a good 100x200+ area). • Completion of surface area (scenery, terraforming, foliage, etc). Materials Needed: • Wools • Red Bricks • Logs + Planks (all, preferably Oak + Birch) • Glass & Panels • Glowstone • Stone Bricks • High-level/quality enchanted tools • Anything else you feel like donating! DISCLAIMER: At any time, I can and will edit my main three posts. I am not responsible for any changes you must now abide by. It is your sole duty to check this thread for updates.
HOMES/ BUILDINGS / PLOTS: Staffly peoples: Forum PM me or catch me in-game if you are looking for a home or something in StaffCity! How it Works for Staff: A. Ownership / Obtaining Plot ** There is not enough space for all Staff members currently - especially if all Staff members kept their homes after resignation or demotion - but all Staff members will be able to live in StaffCity. ** 1. As of the moment, there are some pre-built homes from the original StaffCity that will always remain. They are pieces of history, and will not allow many edits/changes to exterior. 2. Unmarked and marked plots are available, too. Any area unmarked and does not have plans is available to be marked by Staff members looking for a home or building. Marked plots cannot be changed, unless arrangements are made with me via Forum PM. Both of these types of plots are completely customizable. (Very, very, very large plots will come with a price, due to the limited space. This can become null and void if the plot is being claimed by a large group of Staff members. SEE: B1) 3a. Due to lack of space, Staff members are allowed to move in with each other - and it is encouraged, for the homely & fun feel! Pre-built, marked, or unmarked plots are available for multiple-user living. 3b. If, for any reason, a Staff member does not want to move in with another Staff member(s) and there are no available pre-builts or plots, then a PM on the Forums should be sent to me about *buying a custom area / plot / pre-built either further underground, or on the surface. * (Labor of clearing out an underground area - especially a large area - is not free, unfortunately. As well, the surface is partially another town/area, and will house non-Staff. SEE: B2) However, if said Staff member wants a custom area and will clear it themselves, it is nearly free. The reason for a price still intact is due to the fact that the town is virtually making no income, and the renovation/revival and pre-builts costs me money.) 4a. In the case of resignation, a Staff member can keep their home/building for free, for up to three months. After that time, I will message you about keeping the plot for a flat fee, rent, or moving out. However, if you are sharing with others, you can disregard this. (Forum PM me if you resign; I do not need your reason for resignation, just an indication that you have resigned.) 4b. In the case of demotion, a Staff member can keep their home/building for free, unless banned, up to one month. Staff demoted and banned will be evicted. Otherwise, after one month, I will message you about keeping the plot for a flat fee, rent, or moving out. However, if you are sharing with others, you can disregard the flat fee and rent; you will still have to move out, unless your demotion was something as simple as inactivity. 5. Staff and ex-Staff (more so the latter) who are inactive for over a month will be messaged a one-week eviction notice. This is disregarded if sharing a home or having paid a flat fee for ownership. B. What is Free / What isn't Free 1. Very large unmarked and marked plots cost up to $10,000 EcoDollars if and only if they will have no more than three residents. What is considered a "very large" is subjective to the area within StaffCity. Generally, anything larger than roughly 20x20x15 will have a price. -- One resident is 10k; two residents is 5k; three residents is 2.5k. Cost can be split or paid by a single person. 2. Staff looking for custom plots have to pay based on what they are looking for. This is because the town has virtually no income (generally free living), and labor + materials for the town costs money. As well, the town has very limited space, and custom plots are difficult to implement. ia. Anything on the surface... ii. Over 10x10x10 is minimum of 1.5k; over 20x20x15 is minimum of 10k; over 30x30x20 is minimum of 25k. ib. Anything underground, below main city... ii. Over 10x10x10 is minimum of 5k; over 20x20x15 is minimum of 15k; over 30x30x15 is minimum of 25k. 3. Resignations/Demotions will instigate a flat fee, rent, or moving out message after 1-3 months (SEE: A4a, A4b, AND A5). Prices for flat fee and rent will vary upon situation, plot size, and future plans. Staff Homes: - Moderators: Joliver1998; - Super Moderators: RyanFJ1 (resigned); Pbrassat17 - Game Admins+: revanrose6 ( + Core_Diver);
cont. HOMES/ BUILDINGS / PLOTS: --> How it Works for non-Staff: A. Ownership / Obtaining Plot 1. Pre-built houses will be available every few months. Only Mayors+, with clean felony history, can buy these types of plots. Marked plots will be available every few months, as well. 2. Due to limited space and limited availability, each Mayor+ who buys a plot will not be allowed to buy a second plot unless they want to pay an increased fee or switch their house for a house of equal value. Each Mayor+ can share a home with up to two other Mayor+ users, with clean felony histories, who pay a minimum flat fee or rent. (SEE: B2) 3. Custom plots are unavailable to Mayors+ unless they plan to spend a hefty amount of money or contribute a lot to the town (SEE: First post: VOLUNTEERING) 4. Basements are absolutely not allowed unless already a part of a pre-built. Anyone found with a basement will get an immediate eviction from the town with no refunds and a waiting period. Grief found in the underground StaffCity area and in the Mobtown area is an instant eviction and town ban. Grief in the surface StaffCity area is a warning - each user gets two warnings, then a town ban. 5. Farms are not allowed in StaffCity unless you have written and picture proof of me allowing it, or unless a farm has been sold to you by me, personally. As well, you are not allowed to sell your plot to another user unless you go to me first, and start a group conversation (Forum PM). You can find what is - and when things are - available here: --- N/A B. Prices 1. Plot prices are sometimes negotiable. Although, I am difficult to convince of a lower price and of selling to lower-ranked users. However, doing volunteer work and/or contributing to StaffCity can get you a reduced price. 2. Sharing a home with the original home "owner" is not free. Depending on the plot size and your rank, there is the option of a large flat fee or rent. This is, however, a much cheaper alternative to living in StaffCity, and opens up the opportunity to be below the Mayor rank. Group Forum PM me about sharing a home - homes can have up to three residents. 3. Assuming you have read this thread, I will presume to see a brief sentence about whatever my current avatar is at the present time. This is required if you want a chance at owning a plot in StaffCity. Some cases (well-respected, server-wide trust, proven self in the past, jumps right to reading important information when told, etc) will not be required to know this upon trying to purchase a plot.
Ah, I've been down there. Great place. Please don't block it off to the public D: I really like the place.
I do not want to block it off to the public, but I do plan on consulting some Staff members on things like that. :b I would love to have it available for users to view, but I will also be selling some expensive plots on the surface for non-Staff--would be a shame if they decide to trot in to the Staff area and grief everything. (Maybe the price tag would prevent that, though.)
You noooooob. D: (It's okay, I forgot about the baby cow I bought a long time ago, right after I had bought it (but I found it again later on, and now it's gone) - rhymez.) I [mostly] finished up the thread; it has a base now, at least, and most information.
Any planks, and any logs (for planks); using logs as they are, though, I really only need spruce and oak.
Yep, the dark one. And a "ton" may not seem like a ton in the end. :b Took me a few stacks + just to make a small house that isn't even all wood. I'll take any you don't need, though.
I would like to volunteer on terms that a plot price is reduced or cleared entirely- I have fly, water, multihome, and extcommands. I can use my own supplies if I am told what to do/use. -12345shane
I can excavate, build, hire more volunteers, do really anything you want me to do. As for plots, a 20x18 or a 15x8 would do nicely. You can choose what I get depending on my amount of work.