how to apply for staff of quake farm ign? rank? why you want to be staff? whats your number 1 income? what made you come here? (you can not ban or kick people you are here to tell me what is going on when im not here you will help fix greif and make the farm better by adding new floors when i say to ) do you under stand these rules and will follow all mayor in structions? (we will check every 1-7 days plz be patiant) (staff do not get paid it is for the help of the community)
PolarPupperz. Resident. The farm is close to my house and I want to help. Farming. You. I understand the rules and I will follow them to help the community.
Ign: xchosen Rank: Builder I want to be staff because I live in the town and wish to make it better. My number one source of income is farming. I came to this town by Polarpupperz I understand these rules and I will follow all of the mayors instructions to help the community.
Ign: miniducky007 Rank: Builder I want to be staff because I live in the town and I love pumkins and really want to help the quake society My number one source of income is farming and mining wondering around town for jobs I understand these rules and I will follow all of the mayors instructions to help the community.
Ign: Spit2015 rank: Resident why you want to be staff: I would like to become staff tbh because its a great farm and you seem like a up and running farm and town and I would love to help out whats your number 1 income: Nothing atm just re joined ECC looking to build my cash up again what made you come here: Your advertising for sell perms on the ECC server its self. You can not ban or kick people you are here to tell me what is going on when im not here you will help fix greif and make the farm better by adding new floors when i say to ) do you under stand these rules and will follow all mayor in structions: Yes
ign? My Ign is Pruneda98. rank? I am a President. why you want to be staff? Because I don't have anything else to do when I play, and I would like to help other players. whats your number 1 income? I should be allowed to ban/kick people since I'm already an experienced player and I know everything like how to be a good mayor, be fair, etc. No offense, but I have a lot more experience in towns than you do. what made you come here? I was browsing the forums to see if I could apply on something.
Ign: Steveshizzle Mayor I want to be staff because I can bring a lot to the table and help out as much as you'll need me #1 source of income is farming an assortment of various crops I came here because I need access to a new farming area/town and I think I could help out a lot.
I wasn't trying to sound rude but I would help you learn tips about towns and stuff, sorry if I was disrespectful.