Minecraft Username:Sheep_mage Brief Description:Trade signs vanished in my spawnshop. Station45 Instructions:n/a How many times did you recreate this bug?:n/a Result: Expected Result: Evidence: http://imgur.com/GEQG0yC
@Sheep_mage are you sure that you are not trying to place these trade signs outside of your stations region? Remember that signs take up one block and cannot be plAced overhanging your region.
This happens because that wall is on a chunk boundary. I would suggest reading this Bug Report from May for more information. I looked back at the history of who owned station45 and it was solstice18 who kuke tagged into this report to highlight the issue. The important bit of information though is: I would suggest removing all the signs on that wall ASAP and then moving the wall 1 block inwards to prevent this from happening again.