IGN: Captain0reos Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a ban): Cocoa Bean farming and selling plots. Have you read the trade-shop building rules: Yes Which station would you like your Trade Shop to be located at: Station 53 If that one is taken what is choice#2: n/a If that one is taken what is choice#3: n/a Check availability here: Thread Is this a new trade-shop / relocating to a new one / adding time to an existing one / or giving to another user: New trade-shop If giving to another user - which one is receiving it: n/a If giving to another user or relocating to a new shop - have you cleared out this shop for transfer: n/a How many weeks are you ordering? (Minimum 4 / Maximum 10): 4 weeks