When i first started playing ecc i became friends with soul.we built nova together since halo had to move he couldent play we made the town offical and toxido helped us re make the town then toxido's internet went out. I havent seen him since. So soul took a mc break and started playing gmod on steam i was alone just bored on the server untll i made ecofarm and not too long ago i herd soul ask me for 4 k so i gave him it then i found out he needed it fo mayor transfership to mx guy who has been playing with us the hole time. i dident know why he wanted to transfer nova untill he told me he was quitting i was sad so now i just play with mx and snova. ecocitycraft is such a fast changing server.
yeah, but then soul went and messed it up by getting banned before me and mx guy had nova. ... yeah. idoit, i still see him on mxguy's server everyone in a while. i just am a little peeved at him still, because then me and mx wouldnt have to save up 45k for a town, just that 10k, and we would of made nova an awesome town haha, so whatever, i guess this way we get to choose the name..