Minecraft Username: oxwood2 Brief Description:Users are completely invisible. It's not because of spy because they can use a sword but you can't see it. As well as no particles. Also cannot attack said users. Instructions: Unknown. How many times did you recreate this bug?: n/a Result: n/a Expected Result: Users are visible in sg. Evidence: In deleted post below.
I believe this is the same bug that we had a while ago (maybe 6 months ago). I don't know what fixed it then but maybe we should try that again. This bug may have came up again due to our 1.8 update.
I have been aware of this bug and we are looking into getting this fixed. For now, if you are found to be invisible in sg you will need to relog and this will correct the error.
In order to get rid of this bug you need to relog completely out of minecraft. If u need more info on this big feel free to pm me ingame I wont tell you how to replicate but how to kill people using it
As far as I'm currently aware, you can tell if you are experiencing the bug if your skin does not load properly.
I actually can confirm this. I had the glitch yesterday and it caused my skin to act up; I had the 1.8 "messed-up" Steve skin instead of my Gold Knight skin.