Minecraft Name: Tdogg120 Suggestion: When you get teleported to deathmatch in SG, you get restored to full health. Reason: If you are in a battle and kill a person, then get tp'ed to the dmatch you often die because you have low health. Additional Information: N/A Link to this plugin: The Survival Games plugin
No, this is part of what makes the the time before the deathmatch fun, people avoid fighting to preserve health, or they fight in a way that preserves health. You need to think ahead.
Don't get in a battle with someone right before Death Match then. If you have a feeling you won't have time to gain all you're health back before a Death Match, simply don't engage. Eat a Golden Apple if possible, so when you're Fighting, you regain some of you're health. Honestly, I don't see this needed to be added, because it can be easily countered if you're Smart enough.
I just find it annoying. For example, i got tp'ed to dmatch earlier with 1 heart, and could not escape. I feel that if you were full health it would make it more fair and fun.
You can be at full Health, that's what Kuke is trying to get at. Play smart before a Death Match, and always consider the fact you could be Teleported to the spawn at any second.
When there are 4-5 players left, focus on preserving health so you can go into the deathmatch at full strength, that's what it's all about.
not restored to full, that's too much. Make it so there is a 1-minute delay between the player dying (normally causing deathmatch) and the teleporting. This way you can kill someone and have 60 seconds to regen-though also one minute to possibly die(having been in a huge fight
I assume you mean kitter... ...and no, it's not the only way. Today alone I've won more than 15 times, and I've won just about half my games. I do not own a single kit, either. Almost none of these games did I rely on the opponent being weakened prior to Deathmatch, and almost all of them I had to fight someone who had used the miq kit. On topic, though: Personally, I can say I'm not a fan of the deathmatch. I don't have a hard time working with it and winning on it, but I feel it ruins the flow of the game. In that, I mean the game becomes extremely slow the moment it hits only 5 players left. Everybody is hiding somewhere, even on the smaller maps, and when I do see someone, it tends to be someone with a kit who's not afraid to take damage. The moment I even get a single hit on the person I'm fighting without taking damage myself, they're already on the run. It dramatically lengthens the game, and on the smaller maps, there's not even a chest to take really anymore, they're all taken already...I just find myself aimlessly wandering around, looking for players that I cannot find for the life of me. I don't think the deathmatch was a bad idea: Not by any means. It's not your average deathmatch. It also has some good qualities, like making me actually think before eating my big food sources (Mushroom soup, steak, cooked porkchops, cooked chicken.) so that I leave some for the deathmatch, whatever may happen there. However, I feel it's flawed currently. With some slight changes, it could be better. I am not aware whatsoever of what can and cannot be done with the plugin whatsoever, or what's easily possible. Putting that aside, though, I can suggest a few changes I'd like to see with it: -When there is only three people left, just after the fourth died, have a countdown to deathmatch. I don't mean a minute, I don't mean 30 seconds, I don't mean 10 seconds, I mean like 3 seconds. It's just enough time that you don't find yourself walking the wrong direction or otherwise doing something stupid, but not too much so that it's still sudden and catchs you off guard unexpectedly, without letting you regen, sort your inventory, or really even prepare past "I need to not walk into that guy with the kit." I feel that doing something stupid because of how sudden it is isn't a quality of the deathmatch, but rather a frustrating factor of unawareness. I have plenty of occasions where I need to direct my attention elsewhere temporarily and I simply should not be punished for looking away from the screen for half a second longer than my opponents or having half a second slower reflexs...at least not that badly. (I understand there is always the factor of being snuck up on, but that's far less lethal when it happens and far easier to prevent, allowing for some instances of being unprepared without much danger. Slower reflexs hardly matter in the rest of the game, even being great at PvP is about knowing what to do ahead of time, and the only things you figure out as you go you have plenty of time to process.) -When it starts, all players left should be on podiums that are a bit farther away from each other. Not too far, otherwise people will just eat and run off, but not so close that I can kill my opponent with my sword in a matter of a second, before their world loads. (I did that on several occasions today.) -All players need to face the middle when it goes into the deathmatch if at all possible. As it stands right now, everyone faces the same direction, so on some maps, it makes me face straight towards them and I can just hold forward and spam left click to kill them. There's nothing they can do about it if I loaded the world faster. (You could also do what I said above, but I still feel it's more fair this way regardless.) -People shouldn't be able to run away from the deathmatch arena and drag on the game. You could make it so that there is a custom deathmatch arena it teleports them to instead, or you could make it so they cannot leave the spawn area with a wall/something that kills them if they try. I'm up for other ideas as well, try something nobody has done before! -We want to encourage players to be careful before the deathmatch so as not to lose too much health, but we don't want games dragging on too long, do we? We can still keep the carefulness, but I can suggest something else as well: Examples include giving some sort of benefit to the person who activated deathmatch with a kill, such as going into deathmatch with a different amount of hunger, or a really short lived potion effect. Other things as well include pushing people together somehow when there is only 5 players left, like filling the spawn chests with a few rarer items, similar to those found in kits. These are only ideas coming straight off my head, though. Personally, I'd actually prefer it stays how it is over any of these ideas, but I was hoping these would give someone else a brilliant idea. I don't have that much of a problem with the current deathmatch as much as I do the way it makes the game drag on unnecessarily long. (It's usually not that long, but it's long enough.) -And probably other things. I think this post has dragged on enough already. I'm open to discussion about this, though. I probably missed something. Even if these ideas aren't the best ones, I still feel stuff could be done to improve upon the idea. Note: Half this post was made a while ago, the other half just now. On top of that, I'm kind of letting my mind wander a bit without fully thinking things out, as I'm all over the place. Something in here might not make sense or otherwise sound stupid. xD
I am starting to think about this some more and I think that there maybe should be a 30 second warning before teleported to death match
Bump :3 Or maybe atleast make it where the 3 people in dmatch are more spread out through the 24 starting positions.