Thread title: Sg's terrible lag Minecraft Username: The_Walrus_8 Brief Description: After I 1v1 with @Bashdash100, we died at same time because we had fire aspect enchanted wood sword and it says that i killed Bashdash100 with an egg, which is what i hold before I joined sg4 Instructions: I don't think i have instructions, sorry. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 1 and single time. Result: Marks says "[ECC-SG] Bashdash100 was killed by The_Walrus_8 with a EGG!" Expected Result: Marks says "[ECC-SG] Bashdash100 was killed by The_Walrus_8 with a WOOD SWORD!" Evidence:
This is because you were killed first, so when it looked to see what you were holding that killed Bashdash, it sees you holding the egg in your screenshot.