This is Thing_II, coming back from a 9 month break. Looking forward to get back into the awesome community of EcoCityCraft yet again. I will provide free teleportation services for anyone who needs them. All you gotta do is ask. Donations are accepted and highly recommended. This service is mostly for the new builders coming into the server. Although if you are not a builder, you may also use this service. TeleportsI will do any regular world teleports for free. I will not do any mining world teleports without a payment in advance. If under any time I am killed while doing service work I will not hesitate to post a complaint for a ban. This has happened before, and is punished strongly (as far as I remember.) Repairs!Although not previously listed, I will also do free regular repairs for anyone who needs it. Again, it is free, but I will accept donations. Please do not spam me with messages here on the forums. If I'm not online, I'm not getting online to do a teleport.Teleports will take place on my own time. Do no constantly spam me. I may not always be available. I will try to be the most efficient that I can, but if I am in the middle of something important please respect that. Thanks all, Thing_II