I decided to add some other options to buying feats from me, at a monetary stance I will be selling at 13k/USD or equivalent. What I'll be taking as well as ECD and what I will personally value at The items listed below are what I will take in place of ECD's for the features! Star Tools Eff7 950k = $73.06 in feats Msword 800k = $61.53 in feats Star Armor/Weapon: 100k = $7.69 in feats Elytra/Rocket(only one):80k = $6.15 in feats Star shield 50k (only want one) = $3.84 in feats Woodcutting Axe: 500k = $38.46 in feats Star Shovel: 300k = $23.07 in feats Star rod: 575k = $44.23 in feats Items may stack, and ECD can fill in holes from either party, but I will need to confirm it prior to purchase, aka console with Mr. Bank Account. Towns /warp 60k(more if there's some nice builds) = $4.61 in feats No Warp(must be orig owner) 20k = $1.53 in feats Town claims 150k = $11.53 in feats I will require an in game contract for these transactions that involve items Or a forum contract for deals involving towns If you are a Resident I will also take your mayor town if you choose to upgrade in return for the features, I will price this at 100k or $7.69 in feats Items/Prices will update as permitted~ You may pm me, mail me, post here, or forum pm me for details I will take payment plans as long as there is high collateral involved And of course I will take 100% ECD! 13k/USD Currently Available-$60(constantly changing check back later if you want a pricier feat)
Yes these are items I will accept in exchange for features~ I will update thread to make it more clear Thanks