I'm looking to sell my station which is yellow 2nd row. I am willing to accept offers of a mix of ECD/Star tools/Features. I bought it for 3mil ECD, but I will consider any offer in the region of 2mil. Feel free to post here or PM me on the forums/ingame
I'm not very active, but this interests me to some extent. Would you happen to be interested in a payment plan?
Ideally I would like something more upfront? Do you have any star tools? It is a very attractive offer though. I'm not going to be ingame any more today as its getting late, but I will be around all day tomorrow to talk
Would netherstars interest you? I have a bulk amount of them and could possibly make you a decent offer that is all upfront
I can't I'm afraid, currently out of the house. I will be back later this evening (GMT) to get ingame or if its easier, PM me on the forums and we can discuss there
Bump - Willing to accept features counting for their full normal price even despite the current promotion.
Somebody buy this awesome shop from this awesome player! He is VERY easy to work with if you give him a chance.