I am currently selling: 2 Melon Swords UnOwned 1 Star Rods UnOwned 1 Melon Sword Owned (User has been inactive for 1+ year) 1 Efficiency 10 Axe UnOwned 3 Star Rockets UnOwned 1 Star Pants UnOwned Payment plants may be accepted, pm first to negotiate. Contact Options: Discord @ freddyagogo#0115 In-Game Private Message (/pm freddyagogo *offer*) In-Game Mail (/mail send freddyagogo *offer*) Forums Private Message
How much for an unowned masked and how much for the owner one? Also who is it owned by? (So I can verify they’re inactive
UnOwned Melon Sword is 1 Mil, owned is 700k and for security reasons I can not give you the name of the owner but here is a screenshot taken today ( 29/Jan./2018 ) https://gyazo.com/f84154b80f1b8ef394022baca23c1171
I do not, since I am already selling a Melon Sword at a really cheap price, being owned doesn't mean it's not a Melon Sword.