Features of town: Public Town farm No build limit NO griefing allowed Own animals rent out shops! Now it's your turn to fill this app for a plot here are the available sizes: 10x10=1,000 ECD 15x15=1,5oo ECD 20x20=2,000 ECD 30x30=4,500 ECD OR a $15 Donation feature like tp or Multi-Home for ME 40x40= $15 Donation Feature for ME Please fill in the app with theses fields: IGN: I have the applicable balance for a _____ plot: I have enough money to get Israellawson OR Jaijeezy a feature: I will NOT grief what so ever: I will Obey ALL town rules: I will respect all members of Paragon: Do you understand that you may NOT resell plots?: Do you understand that you MUST obey all town rules currently and in the future new rules?: Please state how you got the fees for your plot: