I'm looking to sell my position as an owner of farm (/rg i farm). This farm has made me a lot of money by selling perms for $40,000 ECD. Farm Info 200x200x11 pumpkin farm and 200x200x1 melon farm. This farm is usually fully grown as there is always someone there. Price Looking for: At least $160,000 ECD. Rules You may NOT add new owners, although you can sell your position as owner. You may NOT remove any owners. You may NOT give free perms. Use common sense Make offers and enquiries below
I have a few questions. If I bought ownership, would I be able to do a perms clearing, keeping all members who apply to be kept?
But users who're inactive for a short period of time may not see the thread due to being inactive, if they return, and they lose perms, that'll be breaching what we agreed.
I would buy but simply all the pumpkin farmers have perms, that's the only thing holding me back. (Lol I even have perms and never use it >.>)