I am starting to take orders for farmed goods. I am able to produce LARGE quantities of farmed goods, except melons (I can't afford a Melon-Sword yet). I will give you the estimate on length of time. Also, I do NOT have teleport features, so you will have to come to me, sorry about that. Currently working on buying that. Prices per stack of goods are listed below: Carrots - $25 per stack Potatoes - $25 per stack Baked Potatoes - $30 per stack Nether Wart - $32 per stack Cocoa - $56 per stack Wheat - $56 per stack Pumpkins - $32 per stack Sugar Cane - $16 per stack To order, fill out the order form below - IGN - Product(s) Requested- Number of stacks of the product(s) requested - Do you understand that the order may take a bit to complete, based upon size, and others before yours - Are you willing to come to me - Thanks!
IGN - Emau Product(s) Requested- Wheat Number of stacks of the product(s) requested - As many as you can make. I would advise making a sign that I can buy out. Do you understand that the order may take a bit to complete, based upon size, and others before yours - Yes. Are you willing to come to me - Yes. Just private convo or in-game mail me the loction of the sign. Preferrably I would like about $100,000 worth. But I know I may be overwhleming you.
Order accepted, and it will be the only one, for now. Emau, I will get you as much wheat as I can. I sent you a message with the location of a lot of wheat in a sign, more to come. Thread closed, thank you!