Hello, I am selling a bunch of enchanted Items. If you're interested in buying anything please contact Alpert3925 not myself. He will be selling these things for me. I will be selling all of these items at the cheapest price you can find. The Following Items are for sale: 1x Protection 4 Aqua Affinity 1 Respiration 3 Chain Helmet 1x Protection 4 Aqua Affinity 1 Chain Helmet 1x Protection 4 Chain Chest plate 1x Protection 4 Chain Pants 1x Protection 4 Chain Boots 1x Protection 4 Enchanted Book 1 x Smite 5 Looting 3 Diamond Sword 1 x Bane of Arthropods 5 Looting 3 Knockback 2 Diamond Sword I also have a bunch of Misc. Prot 4 Diamond Pieces. I don't feel like listing them but if you want to buy some prot 4 let Alpert3925 know. Additionally, I have a few decent PVP Swords. If you're Interested in buying any of these please PM Alpert3925. 3x Eff 5 Unbreaking 3 Fortune 3 Diamond Pickaxe. 2x Eff 5 Unbreaking Silk Touch Diamond Axe 1x Eff 5 Unbreaking Fortune 3 Diamond Axe