Hi there! Just a quick question here, has it ever occured that someone buys a building from someone else because they like how it looks? Like a beautiful house with some chests and a crafting table around and they will use it as permanent house and buy it for perhaps 20k+? Also can you actually have and hold a house in the aether and do you have creative there?
No, because you do not own that land. The Aether is a place for building, not a place for money making. If that's your idea for getting aether, you're sadly mistaken. Personally, I think looking at all the great buildings and a yellow name would be worth it. But that's just me.
Not true, they have been sold, and you can sell buildings. People have done it. You do own the land, and if you were to sell it then someone else could change the building. Yes you can have a home in the aether. No it is not creative.
Is the aether built on alot? Because really i cant go that far off without flying probably or without many homes. I might be able to buy a portal to it but that would really kill some of my current budget for donater perks. Btw also if the aether is built on alot is it with ugly, alright or amazing buildings? Flying islands sound awesome but arent when they're built on with first day noob houses
It costs 20k ECD to get access, it is built on some, but it is all beautiful, no "Noob Houses." You can build bridges to everywhere.
what if someone 'claimed' an island? you can't make a bridge to the next and you'll be having an end to your travels to a good destination.
No player should be able to 'claim' an island, if they are building a project on a particular island, they should have the good ECC manners to allow thoroughfare to other destinations.
Um let's clear some things up.... I made the important part red, as it says above, there is no land claming. So if someone were to "claim" an island, it's not theirs.. I would be cautious selling plots in the aether.