Current server prices is under $40/stack. Station 38 is currently buying wheat at $50/stack. This means I am BUYING at higher than server price. There is no reason to be selling your wheat to the server. Sell your wheat to me. Station38. Sign is out front and restocked daily. Help feed the world. Sell your wheat so it can be used to make delicious things, such as: Cake Cookies Bread Hay Station38 is in the Red Row. We also buy buckets, clay, and sand on the second floor. *If going to my sign is too much work: make your own sign, mail me the coordinates, and I will come buy it from you.
I wish to thank the community. I logged in last night and my signs were completely bought out. I have restocked all the applicable signs. Thank you again for such an overwhelming response.
One week Bump. Signs are replenished. Sell your wheat to Station38. Remember, if you can't get to me, I will come to you. Make a sign at your farm, mail me the coordinates and I will come and buy it out.