Minecraft Username: DrowningInPizza Brief Description: Expert Farmer challenge doesn't give rewards Instructions: You need to gather 192 of each of the following: wheat, potatoes, carrots, melon slices, pumpkins, sugar. In return you get 3 spawn eggs: Chicken, cow, pig How many times did you recreate this?: Just once, that took me a while lol Result: My items were all taken, and no reward was given. Expected Result: I expected the reward items. Evidence:
This issue has been added to our JIRA and will be looked at within 24 hours. An update will be posted to the thread when fixed by @JamieSinn
@Gluupor has been kind enough to go over the entire challenges setup for us as he came from AEM and has fixed numerous challenges issues / problems. Please let us know if this help/support ticket is now fixed for you @Lurxolt @DrowningInPizza