Lets face it we all go there and we all know there is a shortage of trees even a sign asks us to replant trees it grows harder and harder for new people to make a living so I ask lets replant the wild and help others out
I seriously thought about this, but I decided not to plant trees because saplings are sold in the server store, and because players can get free money by voting. This type of project would be better if performed on an admin scale where they could fly around and change the landscape with ease.
New users can just use /kit starter and they get some wood to start out with so I don't see the problem here.
Hey Valestados, Thanks for the post. I agree completely. When I arrived in EcoCity, I was struck by the shabby state people tend to leave the wilds in. One of the things I like to do is expand the forests in the wilds around the map. It's too bad that people so often take what they need without a thought about what they leave behind. At least that leaves a lot of room to plant trees. Just thought you might like to know that you're not the only one who felt this way. Have fun with the tree farms! Argorner2
In my town my brother wants to put up a forest. Don't know why, I think he's starting a cocoa plantation. Anyway I'm going to start puting forests up in the areas around my town, just for the heck of it. If I get the chance to do it.
+1 I almost QUIT because I couldn't find any wood to make tools. Wouldn't require admins, we would just need a LOT of people. And it would take LOTS of man hours and we would have to replant every week or so. If someone was willing to get a team together......
I started playing today, and i haven't had that much trouble finding wood at all. In fact I made a large part of my money today from cutting down and selling logs. You just have to explore farther from the wild portals. Shortage of wood = Increase in profit from farming/hunting, no?
Hi Moneyman228, Glad you found some trees to get started with! Did you replant the saplings for the next guy? I'm kind of curious, because I just found a section of forest that I planted a little while ago that has been nibbled at. lol I picked up about 40 oak saplings from the leftovers. By any chance does a small structure of earth with double wooden doors on a very small island nearby sound familiar? See ya, Argorner2