Santa's Last Ride!

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by FamilyFurst, Dec 20, 2017.


If you do not win the crate, what prizes do you think would be cool in game prize to randomly give?

Poll closed Dec 25, 2017.
  1. Max Tools (Not Star)

    2 vote(s)
  2. 20k Ecd

    11 vote(s)
  3. 25 Nstars

    5 vote(s)
  4. (X) hours of free help of mine to help you do what you want.

    5 vote(s)
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  1. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2014
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    So, Santa's sleigh is going to be full, and I still have to some how pack on a Star Crate key, or two if possible. I will not be able to secure the crate key, so it is unpredictable where it might land.

    To apply, reply to this post with following:

    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?

    For this giveaway, I will be consulting with different people, to just talk, and see if maybe this giveaway could have more impact on them vs someone else. This would still only affect each person in a minor way.
  2. Zombie_Jamboree

    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Never been banned or even warned. I'm a good girl.

    One Christmas, I didn't have much money. We're on welfare..but we heard a knock at the door and it was the Elks and they gave our family gift cards worth over $200! We used some for presents and some for food.We ran out of food stamps. I was crying when I was hugging them.

    I would like to nominate 3 people..Ghostsjack01, Jacob43365 and Stigarose. They are very generous to me and good friends.

    I have 2 kids..when they go to sleep, I get to play on here with people other than a 9 and 3 year old. Somewhat adults. Most of my friends live far away so I don't have lots of friends to hang out with in rl. ECC is a getaway from the real world for me. I can relax and enjoy it.
  3. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 1, 2014
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    I have 2 kids..when they go to sleep, I get to play on here with people other than a 9 and 3 year old. Somewhat adults. Most of my friends live far away so I don't have lots of friends to hang out with in rl. ECC is a getaway from the real world for me. I can relax and enjoy it.

    Well, when I am cognitive, feel free to chat with me. I am one of the older players I know of, being a ripe young age of 30+ with a little girl. Good luck on giveaway!
  4. Hackney_Builder

    Hackney_Builder Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)of

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    Not really.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    No. I have no friends here. -_-

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    It gave me something to do and somewhere to relax, and I'm much better for it.
  5. Zombie_Jamboree

    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Thanks! I got 2 boys. I'm 41 until April.
  6. Conorx

    Conorx Its well and truly Big Boy Season
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Have you been banned before?
    Numerous times, yes.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    Not really. My christmas' are fairly mundane yet i am happy with everything I have, including family etc.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    Hes a cool fella and deserves a star item.

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    Yeah, just having friends and people to talk to on the server has always helped me pick myself up when down.
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  7. _Mandy

    _Mandy Builder
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    Nov 9, 2012
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    Ign: @_Mandy

    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out) Yes.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it? Yes my great grandmother died last year at Christmas time....We were very sad but we still had an amazing Christmas with my relatives.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related) @RyanJayOlson @pat2100 @spaenjj I nominate all three of them :)

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?

    Ecc has had a huge impact on my life when I get home from college I finish my studies then I cannot wait to get on and play with some dear friends!
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  8. KingCharlie9

    KingCharlie9 EcoPremiumPrestigeLegendTycomaster
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    Jun 25, 2017
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    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)
    Technically, no. I was banned, but it was deemed 'wrongful' by ServerAdmins... so it doesn't really count.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    Last year (2016), I flew out on vacation for Christmas. Instead of sticking inside away from the cold, I was sunbathing and complaining of heat on my holiday. Most of my family came, and of all my life - it was the best Christmas I ever had.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    I'd like to nominate @Lurxolt and @Cardinal_Crown. Both have been kind, helpful players to me and others - I haven't seen them do a wrong deed!
    Also @Ladyvamptress - the most generous person I know! Ladyv deserves something in reward for the positive person she is.

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    Once, I was extremely sad. For reasons too personal to put here, but when I logged on, people cheered me up, gave me advice and more.
    Also, this year, I really understood how strong communities can be. Never in my life have I seen such a strong bond between people who have never even met irl - and I am glad to be part of this community, as well as knowing that a few people have my back.
    #8 KingCharlie9, Dec 20, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  9. stevenjr05

    stevenjr05 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Ign: stevenjr05

    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why I can find that out) nope

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    really I think this cristmas has impacted me the most so far because it's my first cristmas volunteering at my church and the way we have been helping people has really been fun and had an impact on me.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    @b_ball18 or @Maraky they have been a great help and friend to me

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    no just a fun place to unwind and have fun
  10. cheese_ball_3

    cheese_ball_3 Çhêê§ê lðrÐ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Ign: cheese_ball_3

    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)
    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    I would have to say the Christmas 2 years ago when I had most of my family over to my house.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    Would probably be @_Mandy since she is very nice in game and on forums.

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    Nope, ECC is just a place where I have fun!
  11. Genovani

    Genovani 天国の強さ
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    Yep, when I went to Atlanta for christmas and I embraced the thug life, I acquired the sauce and I became a sauce god.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    @FFAJdubStompCats @ctop_1013 @Natelev

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    I had my share of tough times in the past 3 coming on 4 years here, and the community and friends made it certainly easier to deal with certain things and for that I'd like to say thank you.
  12. Scamazon

    Scamazon monkey
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    Jul 1, 2017
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    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)
    Nope. Warned that one time though.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    Probably THIS one. ECC has been so enjoyable with everyone celebrating Christmas, and to add on, I finally got a new computer! :D Aside that, I've moved over to Australia for good this holiday and spent time having wonderful family gatherings. I still remember looking back, seeing my whole family wave goodbye to be as I walked into border security.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    @KingCharlie9 @cheese_ball_3 @Natelev @CemCrazy @soyuzpixel all awesome friends that I hang out with on ECC :)

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    I've never found a better solution to resolve stress than by simply logging onto ECC. Everyone here is wonderful, and I never thought that you could get so close to people without actually meeting them irl until now. I'm always having fun, laughing and simply enjoying myself whenever I'm on here, no matter the condition I'm in.
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  13. Redpandapenguin

    Redpandapenguin Builder
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    Sep 6, 2017
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    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out)


    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?

    Even though it says “in the past” I’d have to say this Christmas. This Christmas I have already made (at least I think) nice and thoughtful gifts and my family is making fun plans like an escape room and a fondue party for Christmas. In addition I also have another community to celebrate it with ECC! I have already received amazing presents and it looks to be a fun Christmas Day!

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related)
    @FamilyFurst for spending a lot of money IRL and in game to help bring Christmas cheer. If you want some one other than your self I would say @MarshmallowDerp because he has been a kind and friendly player.

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    Ecc Helps me every day chill out and relax from the world. But a specific example is that when my friend moved to Colorado we had trouble getting together and playing and we couldn’t find a good server to play on and then we found ECC and it has helped keep us together ever since.
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  14. jwpwns

    jwpwns ECC Sponsor
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    Sep 1, 2011
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    Ign: Jwpwns

    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out) :
    only once long time ago.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?
    Not really my holidays are prty chill i mostly stay home and relax or go over to my aunts house.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related) I would like to nominate
    Zombie_jamboree aqua_luna3 and monkeybutt244.

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?
    Ecc has helped me a lot over the past 6+ years for example all the times i was sick or in the hospital and all my surgery's the ecc community was always here and when i was bored it was always something to do i would join on minechat a lot.:D
    #14 jwpwns, Dec 20, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
  15. KiwiAngelTwist

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Ign: KiwiAngelTwist

    Have you been banned before? Nope.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it? I can say with all honesty that most of my Christmases have been horrible and filled with emotional abuse and anxiety. So impacted? As an adult, holidays just naturally make me depressed. Ah well, trying to change that.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? Well, I can say that Carter has been a great friend. He's a really nice person. I think he goes by IcePvp now?

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice? Playing Minecraft is just really relaxing, honestly, and I like ecocity because there are people from all around the world who log on to it and play. So when I've been stressed out, it's just nice to know that more exists in the world than my little bubble here at home.
  16. MasterOPuppets

    MasterOPuppets Builder
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    May 8, 2013
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    Ign: MasterOPuppets

    Have you been banned before? (No need to know why, I can find that out): Once, but it was back in 2015 or something like that.

    Is there a certain Christmas or Holiday in the past that has impacted you immensely, and tell me about it?: Not really, I'm only 15.

    Would you like to nominate someone other than yourself? (This has *NO* effect if you choose not to nominate someone, might be other prizes, just more in-game related): I've been off and on since 2013, so I don't know anyone active.

    How has Ecc helped you in the past, maybe through a rough time, friends being supportive, or maybe just some tough love and advice?: ECC has made me understand trust of others and how to determine a scammer, or someone that isn't the best to be around.
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  17. FamilyFurst

    FamilyFurst Ecc King of Koopa's
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    Jul 1, 2014
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    Winner was: ClarinetPhoenix
    While she never posted, no staff member ever applied for any of my $ giveaways, and I find that really kind hearted, because that means a better chance for everyone else to win.

    I will be giving others random presents from Ecd, to some Nstars, maybe a star tool, we will see.

    We can lock this post now.
  18. ClarinetPhoenix

    ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
    Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader

    Jun 23, 2014
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    Locked Upon Request
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